Forums - mIRC Discussion Forums
mIRC Help (43 viewing) If you need help with mIRC, such as configuring options or using certain features, you can post your questions here. Yesterday at 07:27 AM
mIRC 7.78 released - mIRC Discussion Forums
2024年6月11日 · Dear mIRC User, mIRC v7.78 has been released today. This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. …
Forums - mIRC Discussion Forums
mIRC Help (34 viewing) If you need help with mIRC, such as configuring options or using certain features, you can post your questions here. Yesterday at 07:27 AM
mIRC 7.79 released - mIRC Discussion Forums
2025年2月3日 · Dear mIRC User, mIRC v7.79 has been released today. This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. …
Font size and font pick - mIRC Discussion Forums
2023年7月8日 · There are many ways to change the font and font size, you can type /font and a dialog will open from where you can set the font for the active window and for all the same …
How to Change Nick/Register Nick? - mIRC Discussion Forums
2004年8月25日 · Services have nothing to do with mIRC, nor do registered nicknames or channels. For help with Services, it is better to ask in the network #Help channel as mentioned …
Latest News - mIRC Discussion Forums
2024年6月11日 · Category Display Options Show From Previous Sort by
My color schemes - mIRC Discussion Forums
2018年3月12日 · These control the text and background color for these selected items both here in mIRC and pretty much all Windows Apps. 7. You'll want to choose a background color that …
Finding/Creating a Channel/Server - mIRC Discussion Forums
2004年10月7日 · Replace '#channel' with the name of the channel you want. Do be aware that a lot of the 'good' channel names will be taken - for example, you won't find many channels such …
Username/E-mail/Identd confusion... - mIRC Discussion Forums
2010年4月13日 · Let me try again - at one time, mIRC did not have a separate identd userid. It used the userid from the email address field for identd replies. Users then asked for a …