Addgene: Vector Database - pUC8
Assembled from pUC18 and M13mp8 by F. Pfeiffer, MPI, Martinsried Hosts: E.coli JM83, E.coli JM105, E.coli JM109, E.coli NM522. Related vectors: pUC7, M13mp8, pUC9. (Information source: VectorDB ( http://seq.yeastgenome.org/vectordb ).) How was your experience today? Addgene is a nonprofit plasmid repository.
pUC8-SZ - Addgene
Plasmid pUC8-SZ from Dr. Takeshi Sano's lab contains the insert streptavidin and is published in Nucleic Acids Res. 1986 Feb 25. 14(4):1871-82. This plasmid is available through Addgene. More than 20 requests
pUC8质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测序引物、大小 …
pUC8载体价格4800元,pUC8载体质粒图谱(Vector map),载体序列(Sequence)见下文,载体质粒抗性为氨苄,质粒大小为2.7 kb。
pUC8 mouse IFN-gamma - Addgene
Plasmid pUC8 mouse IFN-gamma from Dr. Howard Young's lab contains the insert interferon-gamma. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
Physical maps of plasmids pUC8 and pUC8:15. pUC8 is a …
Plasmid DNA pUC8 and pUC8:15 were isolated from Enterobacter aerogenes NRRL B-427 and were performed the alkaline lysis method [10, 37]. The transformation of the plasmids into bacteria (E. ...
质粒DNA 来源于大肠杆菌 RRI pUC8, buffered aqueous solution | Sigma-Aldrich
多克隆位点(mcs)位于β-半乳糖苷酶基因内;puc8和9在mcs中有9个唯一位点,而puc18和19有13个位点。 插入 MCS 的外源 DNA 消除了分解乳糖的能力。
pUC质粒载体 - 百度百科
PUC 质粒载体:PUC 载体是在PBR322 质粒 载体的基础上,插入一个在其5‘端带有一段多克隆位点的lacZ'基因,发展成有双功能检测特性的新型质粒载体系列。 它是由 美国加州大学 学者 (University of California)于1987 年首先构建的,所以命名为PUC 系列载体。 [1] (4)位于IacZ'基因中的靠近5'端引入了一段多克隆位点 (MCS)区段,但它不会引起编码肽链功能的改变。 PUC 质粒载体:PUC 载体是在PBR322 质粒载体的基础上,插入一个在其5‘端带有一段多克隆位点 …
The size of the pUC8/EcoRI linear DNA fragment, in base pairs, is ~2700. A sample volume of 18-20 μl is recommended for ethidium bromide staining and 35-38 μl is optimal for FlashBlueTM or InstaStain® Blue staining. Shortly before loading, heat the fragment at 65° C for 3 minutes and quickly chill on ice.
Steps of RDT using pUC8 as cloning vector:- 1) Isolation and purification of total length DNA. 2) Restriction digest of total length DNA to obtain fragment DNA by use of specific
pUC8克隆载体 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心
您正在向 biovector.net 发送关于产品 pUC8克隆载体 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心 的询问. 点击“立即发送”后,我们将在1个工作日内与您取得联系。 订单付款. Order & Payment. pUC8克隆载体 pUC8克隆载体,Amp抗性,LacZa报告基因,Lac启动子。 Map图谱BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞蛋白抗...