Home Page | V-Go All-in-One Insulin Delivery Patch
V-Go is an all-in-one insulin delivery patch that you apply daily. V-Go delivers a steady basal rate of insulin and provides on-demand dosing for meals 1. Is V-Go Affordable? V-Go requires only one type of insulin (U-100 rapid acting insulin) for basal and mealtime coverage, which may mean less out of pocket costs for you 2, 3, 10.
Healthcare Professionals | V-Go All-in-One Insulin Delivery
V-Go is designed to simplify insulin delivery by combining basal and bolus coverage in one insulin delivery patch to improve results. Switching to V-Go from prior glucose lowering therapies reduced mean A1C by 1.8% at 6 months 2. Switching to V-Go from prior therapies including prescribed insulin decreased mean prescribed insulin by 36% 2.
How V-Go Works | V-Go All-in-One Insulin Delivery Patch
With one type of insulin, V-Go delivers a continuous basal insulin rate over 24 hours that mimics the body’s natural steady release of insulin and V-Go provides on-demand insulin dosing at mealtimes (bolus dosing) to address glucose exursions that occur after eating. 1.
V-Go Insulin Delivery Device: Use, Dosage, Side Effects
2021年8月25日 · V-Go is a prescription-only insulin delivery system for people with type 2 diabetes who require insulin in order to control their blood glucose (sugar).
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V-Go Insulin Delivery System - MyEHCS
V-Go is designed to easily fit into your life and help you manage diabetes by combining all of your insulin needs into one simple patch-like device. No more insulin pens or syringes! V-Go supplies insulin in two ways, similar to the way your body produces insulin: