Creating configuration sets in SES - Amazon Simple Email Service
You can use the SES console, the CreateConfigurationSet action in the Amazon SES API v2, or the aws sesv2 create-configuration-set command in the Amazon SES CLI v2 to create a new configuration set. This section shows how to create configuration sets using the SES console and the Amazon SES CLI v2.
Specifying a configuration set when you send email
X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET: ConfigSet. This guide includes code examples for sending email using the AWS SDKs and the Amazon SES SMTP interface. Each of these examples includes a method of specifying a configuration set.
Using configuration sets in Amazon SES
Use configuration sets to apply rules to the emails you send through Amazon SES.
aws_ses_configuration_set - Terraform Registry
Provides an SES configuration set resource. The following argument is required: name - (Required) Name of the configuration set. The following argument is optional: delivery_options - (Optional) Whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use TLS. See below.
Amazon SES now lets you assign a configuration set to an email …
Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) now enables you to assign a configuration set to an email identity, such as a specific email domain or individual email address. This allows rules from the configuration set to be applied to all emails sent from that email identity.
create-configuration-set — AWS CLI 2.22.26 Command Reference
Create a configuration set. Configuration sets are groups of rules that you can apply to the emails that you send. You apply a configuration set to an email by specifying the name of the configuration set when you call the Amazon SES API v2.
create-configuration-set — AWS CLI 2.23.10 Command Reference
Creates a configuration set. Configuration sets enable you to publish email sending events. For information about using configuration sets, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide .
How do I set the SES default configuration set for a domain …
Create a configuration set using the commands described in the following document. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/creating-configuration-sets.html …
How To Setup AWS SES: A Step-By-Step Guide - DevOpsCube
2024年4月11日 · The first option you will see is Assign a default configuration set. configurations sets are a set of rules that work with sending emails, examples, You can use a dedicated IP address for your marketing emails, in SES you can create IP pools.
Step 1: Create a configuration set - Amazon Simple Email Service
You can also create configuration sets using the CreateConfigurationSet operation in the Amazon SES API V2 or the Amazon SES CLI v2, see Create a configuration set (AWS CLI).