Using bathroom fan and timer switch that both require...
2024年11月4日 · 12/2 from light switch (separate gang box) - black to black 12/3 from fan timer - black to blue, red to yellow (not used with switch) 12/2 from heat lamp switch - black to red I'm not sure about all the neutrals at the fixture though. The diagram shows two different neutral bundles and one of them has an extra piece for no apparent reason?
Bathroom fan timer switch with no neutral wire
2016年9月3日 · What is the amperage rating of the switch and what is the amperage of the exhaust fan motor. The typical exhaust fan has a small shaded pole motor. It is very simple, extremely reliable and low amperage. What is the make and model number of the timer you purchased at Home Depot? If it does not require a neutral it must be an electronic timer.
New bathroom fan exhaust timer switch won't work after install
2024年7月31日 · The switch is wired so when you turn on the exhaust fan a ceiling light comes on at the same time. I took all the grounds in the box and twisted them together with a green wire nut and have a wire coming out of that for the new timer switch. Then I connected the 2 black wires from the old switch to the black and brass screw on the new switch.
Clicking noise from fan timer switch - DIY Home Improvement …
2013年2月3日 · A Levition LTB60 countdown timer for bathroom fan, about 3 years old, suddenly started making a loud clicking noise. The buttons no longer work to start the fan. The ticking is accompanied by a flashing of the 10M button. It's about 3 clicks per second. I've turned off the circuit breaker for now. Any suggestions for diagnosis and repair? Thanks.
Wiring Bathroom Fan Timer - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2009年6月24日 · The bottom wire on the switch (closest to the wall) is the hot feed That loops to the other switches The black wire from the timer should attach to this The other wire (top of switch) goes to the device The blue wire from the timer goes to this wire The white wire from the timer goes to the 3 white wires that are twisted together & capped
Countdown timer for bathroom heater fan - DIY Home …
2020年11月28日 · Each has its own switch. The exhaust fan is on a timer and I wanted to put a timer on the heater portion. The original switch is not a timer and is 15 amp 120 v. There are only 2 wires coming out of the wall and are attached to the switch. I installed a Lutron 3 amp countdown timer with 2 terminals. It works, but gets warm.
Single Gang Duplex Timer Switch For Bath Fan & Light?
2019年7月21日 · Fan and light operate together when control is turned on. Fan continues to operate for a user adjustable time period 5-60 minutes after light is turned off. Center position bypasses timer and turns fan and light off immediately. Fits single-gang box. 120V, 4 amps (fan and light). Requires hot and neutral wires in the switch box.
Humidity-sensing switch for bathroom fan...does it exist?
2010年1月15日 · I finally found a timed switch which looks much like a normal toggle switch, the toggle is just a little different, and the timer setting is behind the faceplate when installed. Now when I turn on the bath fan/light unit, then take a shower (and I like them hot), after the shower I just flip the switch "OFF" and leave.
What wall switch for bath fan/light/heater? - DIY Home …
2009年7月18日 · What type wall switch (or switches) do I need for a Panasonic FV-11VHL2 bathroom exhaust fan that includes an exhaust fan, heater, light, & night light? I'm replacing an old unit that has all the same functions except the night light & the old unit uses a 3-toggle (fan, heater, light) switch in one regular sized box.
HRV as bathroom fan - wiring of timer switches
2020年7月11日 · A single switch at the HRV box for activating the high speed mode. One remote switch in each bathroom. I’m thinking the Inovelli Red series since it can be directly paired to control the micro switch. Or you can use a smart things hub, when any of the four bathroom switches is “turned on” it starts a timer for running the HRV on high speed.