Best Lump Charcoal - Smoking Meat Forums
2010年1月10日 · Briquettes are made from the same lump charcoal, but ground to a fine dust, then mixed with sand, sawdust and other binders in a wet slurry, then pressed into shape. They are not 100% charcoal, but have those fillers and binders. Convenient and consistent, but not the quality of lump. Less heat and more ash and residue when you are done.
Lump Charcoal v. Briquettes - Smoking Meat Forums
2024年1月7日 · Anyways, for smoking low and slow, seems like lump can be a problem at least for me. There are a bunch of briquettes out there that advertise all natural. Kingsford having borax. But there are a bunch that don't use borax and only (claim to) use veggie starch or something similar. Has anyone looked into the best "non-toxic" briquettes?
Lump Charcoal Soot/Dust | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best …
2024年5月28日 · Anyways, first thing I did was buy true lump Charcoal and not the briquettes (Kingsford) my dad always uses. But the dust/soot is a problem. It leaves a coating on the grates, especially the upper warming rack, that I then have to try …
Briquettes vs lump charcoal | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best …
2020年8月14日 · As Chef Jimmy pointed out, you can sear meat directly on lump charcoal. I wouldn't do that with briquettes. As with all things BBQ, there are many ways to achieve success. You should make your own determination as to what heats best, tastes best, etc.
Cowboy lump charcoal review | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best …
2020年8月26日 · Well, Costco had a 34lb bag for $21. So I bought some. Lighting up the charcoal: easy. Same method I used to light briquettes. Ready to pour in around 10 minutes, faster than the Kingsford briquettes I usually use. Sparks: some. Maybe a little more than the Kingsford, but not excessive...
Lump Charcoal | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking Meat …
2023年7月23日 · chp: I have made charcoal as you have described with decent results. I now use a retort with much better outcomes. Simply put, there is a 20 gal trash can filled with wood inside a 55 gal drum with vent holes around the top and bottom.
Lump charcoal | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking Meat …
2022年9月23日 · I'm not a regular lump user, but I have a bag of Bayou Classic sitting in my garage. Most pieces were good size, about a quarter of the bag were smalls, and I got 5 forearm sized pieces. I was happy with it. Best of all it didn't have any …
What charcoal/lump do you prefer? | Smoking Meat Forums - The …
2021年1月29日 · Briquettes and lump charcoal are two different animals. Lump charcoal burns hot. Fast. Briquettes charcoal burns not as hot and slow. Each are good. All depends what you are cooking. Lump charcoal I would use for grilling a steak, hamburgers, hot dogs...etc. Hot and fast. Briquettes charcoal I would use it for pork butts, ribs, brisket..etc ...
Blues Hog Lump Charcoal | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best …
2016年3月31日 · So I found a BBQ store in our town, and came across some charcoal. Blues Hog Lump Charcoal. Never heard of it. So I figure I'd give it a try. It has some pretty good chunks, and so far I am happy with what I see. I am smoking a pork shoulder tonight. I packed the chunks by hand to try and get...
Best Lump Charcoal | Page 2 - Smoking Meat Forums
2010年1月14日 · Jeff's Books Smoking Meat: The Essential Guide Smoke. Wood. Fire. Smoker Recipes: Vol. 1