Which Blob Person Are You? - Medium
2022年1月2日 · Today, I am going to share with you The Blob Tree, a fun self-reflection tool to help you dive deeper into your feelings. What is The Blob Tree? The Blob Tree is a famous psycho-analyst test...
Blob Tree - Wikipedia
The Blob Tree is a visual tool designed to allow individuals to express themselves and their emotions in a non-verbal way through the use of human figures known as Blobs who are genderless, ageless, and culture-less.
The “BLOB TREE” Psycho-Emotional Test - Glenn Lim
2016年3月11日 · This is the famous Blob Tree test created by behavioural psychologist Pip Wilson, who is a psycho-educational gamester and EQ developer. This test helps us to recognize and strengthen emotions, and to some extent, understand our social status in society too.
The Blob Tree - Fun Reflection Tool to Explore Feelings - playmeo
2023年7月25日 · What is the Blob Tree? The Blob Tree is a renowned reflection tool used in psycho-analysis to assess emotions and personality. In short, you can use it with your groups to help them dive deeper into their feelings.
What Are The Blobs? A Feelosophy – blobshop
They deal with deep issues using the primary languages we learn from infancy – feelings and body language. This is why they are used with children as young as 4, all the way through to the elderly. The Blobs are neither male nor female, young nor …
THE BLOB TREE - ALL you need to know. - Pip Wilson
An A4 monochrome image, bereft of writing, it displays a large tree filled with sexless, shapeless, ageless ‘blob people’. Like stick men who’ve chomped one Big Mac too many, their simple yet animated forms are used to represent emotions, decisions, personality types and social situations.
The Blob Tree Test Reveals Your Hidden Emotions And Personality - YourTango
2023年3月13日 · What is the Blob Tree Test? Wilson, an expert in emotional intelligence and experiential learning, created the test to help children, young people, and adults become aware of their feelings...
Which Blob Are You? – Pushing Forward
2021年3月29日 · Take a few minutes to check out the Blob Tree. Which Blob(s) do you identify with today? What do you need/want to either stay with this Blob or move to another? Imagine the different ways this tool might be useful for you, your students, or both.
ALL you need to know about the Blob Tree Communication Tools
Developed by Pip Wilson and Ian Long, The Blobs are genderless characters which are used internationally to help people discuss their feelings. They use facial and body language to express emotions, which enables everyone to grasp their meaning.
- LifeSolved Coaching 2025
2023年5月5日 · The Blob Tree is a self-reflection tool developed by Pip Wilson and Ian Long that helps to acknowledge and articulate your feelings about where you’ve been, where you are now and where you hope to be in the future.