Pokkle | Hunterpedia | Fandom
Pokkle was an archer with white pants, a white shirt, and a red vest. With shoulder-length brown hair, and a light purple cap covering it. He had a quiver of arrows across his back, completed with a bow during the Hunter Exam, but he stopped using them after replacing them with his newly developed Nen ability.
15 Anime Archers Who Always Hit Their Mark! - MyAnimeList.net
2016年7月25日 · These are the unsung heroes of the anime world who rely on a rather simple, but effective skill - archery! Most will use a bow and arrow, and a few will utilize a crossbow. Even if they don't always save the day, they'll look cool as hell while trying to.
18 Best Anime Archers Of All Time - My Otaku World
Michelle’s preferred paper manipulation is a bow and arrow. Her arrows can also have special effects. She also carries a metal briefcase that contains a number of paper traps and weapons.
Archers Characters - Anime-Planet
Archers wield a crossbow, or a bow and arrow. They might use the device to fight, to hunt, or to compete in their school's Archery club.
Best Anime Archers - Game Rant
2024年12月25日 · These are just a few of the best anime archers who prefer to fight from afar with a bow and arrows rather than in close combat. While their general popularity will be …
BOW AND ARROW(2025年米津玄师演唱的歌曲)_百度百科
《bow and arrow》是日本歌手米津玄师作词、作曲并演唱的歌曲,于2025年1月27日公开发行,时长2分55秒。 该曲被选用为电视动画片《金牌得主》的片头曲。
BOW AND ARROW - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《bow and arrow》是动画《舞冰的祈愿》的片头曲,由米津玄师演唱,于2025年1月11日公开,1月27日正式发布。 歌曲 完整版 (编曲与动画OP略有差别)
Archery Anime - Anime-Planet
Complete list of archery anime. Archery is the focus of these anime. Training and competing in tournaments or championships are common themes in sports titles, as well as individual or team spirit, or being an underdog who goes against the odds to succeed.
10 Best Archers In Anime, Ranked - DualShockers
2023年10月4日 · From the traditional, spiritually-imbued arrows of Inuyasha's Kagome Higurashi to the sniper-like precision of Sword Art Online's Sinon, anime archers fascinate viewers. Let's explore some of...
Ranked: Most Iconic Anime Archers Of All Time
2022年9月20日 · Anime archers may perform remarkable things with bows and arrows, crossbows, and other weapons, while there is a tiny but recognized bunch of these figures. In this article, I’ve tried to compile some of the most amazing archers who appeared in Anime series.