Chaung Thar Map - Village - Mrauk-U Township, Myanmar - Mapcarta
Chaung Thar is a village in Mrauk-U Township, Rakhine State. Chaung Thar is situated nearby to the village Ah Wa Pyin Ywar Haung , as well as near Nyaung Pin Lel . Overview
Detailed Satellite Map of Chaung Thar - Maphill
This page shows the location of Chaung Thar, Myanmar (Burma) on a detailed satellite map. Choose from several map styles. From street and road map to high-resolution satellite imagery of Chaung Thar.
Chaung Thar, Mrauk-U, Sittwe, Myanmar on the Elevation Map.
Topographic Map of Chaung Thar, Mrauk-U, Sittwe, Myanmar. Elevation, latitude and longitude of Chaung Thar, Mrauk-U, Sittwe, Myanmar on the world topo map.
Chaung Thar (Gwa Township) Street Guide and Map
Street directory and street map of Chaung Thar. Directory of services in Chaung Thar: shops, restaurants, leisure and sports facilities, hospitals, gas stations and other places of interest. Neighboring areas of Chaung Thar
Chaung Thar, Chaung Thar Myanmar, Chaung Thar tours, Chaung Thar …
Located around 154 miles from the Capital City of Yangon and only 34 miles from Pathein, Chaung Tha is the nearest ocean resort available to foreign tourists, being easily reached from Yangon in half a day by road. The beauty of the beach is right implied in the name “Chaung Tha”.
Detailed Road Map of Chaung Thar Beach - Maphill
This page shows the location of Chaung Thar Beach, Myanmar (Burma) on a detailed road map. Choose from several map styles. From street and road map to high-resolution satellite imagery of Chaung Thar Beach.
Azura Beach Resort, Chaung Thar Map - Seaside resort - Mapcarta
Azura Beach Resort, Chaung Thar is a seaside resort in Pathein Township, Pathein District, Ayeyarwady Region which is located on Za-2. Azura Beach Resort, Chaung Thar is situated nearby to Chaung Tha beach, as well as near the passenger ship terminal Ferry on the road to from Ngwe Saung. Photo: Niffyed, Public domain.
Chaung Thar, Labutta, Myanmar on the Elevation Map. Topographic Map …
Topographic Map of Chaung Thar, Labutta, Myanmar. Locality: Chaung Thar Country: Myanmar (MM)
Chaung Thar on the map of Myanmar, location on the map, …
Where is Chaung Thar, Pathein, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar (Burma), location on the map of Myanmar. Exact geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude — 16.9556238, 94.4413632. Chaung Thar is located in the time zone Myanmar Time. …
Chaung Thar Beach, Chaung Thar Beach Myanmar, Chaung Thar …
Chaung Thar Beach is one of the popular beaches in Myanmar. Located just 6 hours drive from Yangon. An alternative route is an overnight steamer trip from Yangon, along Twante canal up to Pathein and then a one and a half hour drive by coach to Chaung Thar Beach.
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