conduction | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer …
definition 2: the transmission or transfer, as of heat, electrical charges, or nervous impulses, through a medium. Heat travels through the wall by conduction from the warmer side to the cooler side.
condition | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer …
Definition of condition. Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, integrated thesaurus for kids, images, and animations. Spanish and Chinese language support available
conjunction | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer …
definition: a word that connects other words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. "And," "while," and "because" are some conjunctions.
Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's Dictionary; WILD dictionary …
The Elementary Children's Dictionary (for grades 3-5) defines words in a simple, full-sentence style that explains word meaning to kids. It's full of easy-to-understand definitions, child-friendly example sentences, illustrations, and photos.
tradition | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's ...
definition 2: A tradition is a special thing that a particular group or family believes in or does, and it is passed down from older people to younger people as time goes by. A tradition often goes on for many years or even for centuries.
community | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer …
Definition of community. Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, integrated thesaurus for kids, images, and animations. Spanish and Chinese language support available
rule | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's ...
definition 1: A rule is a law or direction that tells you what you must do or what you cannot do. Schools have rules that children must obey. Games and sports also have rules.