Diversion channels or interceptor ditches are small excavations for diverting overland flow away from exposed slopes, conveying the water to where it can be safely discharged through a stabilized outlet
DIVERSION DIKE - extranet.vdot.state.va.us
The purpose of a diversion is to intercept and divert runoff away from the face of a steep slope or streambank (USDA, 1972; Gray and Sotir, 1996). Diverted runoff should outlet onto a stabilized area, a prepared level spreader, or into a slope protection structure, e.g., a slope drain.
Construction stormwater practices - diversion and working in …
2023年2月2日 · Diversion channels/ditches: Most appropriate for short duration projects with low baseflows. Requires sufficient area in the stream corridor to construct the diversion channel. Requires a positive slope to allow flow through the channel. Not …
Drainage ditches should be located to provide the most effective drainage of the agricultural wetland. Topography, existing ditches and drains, bridges, farm boundaries and other physical features a l l influence ditch location.
Temporary diversion methods are used to reroute water from a stream or restrict flows to a designated portion of the stream channel to allow for construction activities to take place in the stream, along the banks or beneath the active channel.
X. DIVERSIONS AND CUT-OFF DITCHES - Food and Agriculture …
These are earth structures constructed across a field to intercept and divert surface run-off from the slope above and drain it to a safe outlet. The structures can be in the form of a trench, a narrow base channel or a hillside ditch. Criteria for selection.
Ditches for surface drainage are usually designed to remove the runoff pro- duced by an ordinary rain in time to prevent damage to the crops grown in the drainage area.
Temporary diversion channels are constructed to control the velocity or route (or both) of sediment-laden stormwater runoff. When on the upslope side of a site, a temporary diversion channel helps prevent surface runoff from entering a disturbed construction site.
SWCS: Lesson 30. Diversions and Ditches - e-Krishi Shiksha
Diversions are the water conveyance structures that are constructed to intercept the surface runoff and transport to the main drain. The major purpose of the diversions and ditches is to convey runoff to a suitable disposal point at non-erosive velocity.
Upon completion of construction of diversion ditches or diversion berms, all disturbed areas will be seeded with a mixture of both annual and perennial grasses, fertilized, and mulched in order to minimize erosion and ensure restabilization.