New England, 1800s - 1900s — Randall Lineback Breed Association
Remnants of the landrace survived up until the late 1900s, but by then had become rare and peripheral to mainstream cattle production in New England. The 1800s saw cattle being used for local draft, dairy, and meat production. By far the most important uses were draft and milk.
Early History, 1600s - 1700s — Randall Lineback Breed Association
The fine details of the early importations of cattle into New England are mysterious and uncertain. The earliest cattle introductions were of “prebreed” cattle. Most of these cattle had a geographic descriptor, such as “Alderney”, or a physical descriptor, such …
A World of Pastures and Pounds: Raising Livestock in Early New England ...
2004年11月11日 · The centrality of livestock in early New England was more the product of accident than design. Early on, John Smith predicted that fishing would be the region's economic mainstay. Yet valuable as the fisheries turned out to be, they never engaged more than a fraction of the local population.
A General History - Randall Lineback Breed Association
Local populations of “all-purpose” cattle were developed during the 1700s in the Mid-Atlantic and New England American colonies. It stands to reason that these cattle would have “all-purpose traits” since these early centuries demanded homesteading …
Heritage Breed Animals - Old Sturbridge Village
Cattle Devon. The American Milking Devon claims ancestry from some of the earliest English cattle brought to America. This hardy, medium-sized breed is well known for their deep reddish brown color and active, intelligent temperament.
Not until i624-four years after the Mayflower's arrival-did Edward Winslow bring from England "three heifers and a bull, the first beginning of any cattle of that kind in the land." This date, not coinciden- tally, marked the end of the Pilgrims' "starving times" as dairy products and meat began to supplement their diet.
Red Meat for Empire: New England Cattle, the British Empire, …
2021年5月24日 · In times of peace, but especially during war, soldiers and sailors stationed in the colonies from Newfoundland to the Caribbean enjoyed (or, at least, endured) New England salt beef and pork and employed New England oxen and horses as draft animals.
The Randall Lineback is a purebred remnant of the lineback-patterned cattle once common in New England. Though their origins aren’t clear, it is likely that they originated in New England from a combination of Dutch, English, and French cattle breeds.
Plainfield Massachusetts Historical Society | Oxen Demonstration
2020年10月14日 · This cart would be of the utmost importance to early New Englanders, carrying loads of firewood, charcoal, crops, people – anything that needed to be hauled from one place to another. Its small size made it easy to back into a woodshed, barn or cellar and it required very little in maintenance.
The Introduction of Cattle into Colonial North America
The fact that Devon cattle have always been rather popular in the New England States adds further to the belief that the first cattle imported were of the Devon type. The cattle that were shipped to the New England colonies from Virginia probably were of mixed origin.