ELMER KEITH PHOTO'S | Single-Actions - ProBoards
2009年11月27日 · First photo is Elmer Keith, sometime in the early to mid 70's holding either his or my Ruger #1 out in his trophy room in his backyard. He's wearing his favorite 4" 44 but all you can see is part of the holster. Next photo is some of …
Building a Elmer Keith Ruger Blackhawk Homage...need help
2019年11月4日 · Next is remaking the Original Elmer Keith Grips in the pics here are all the pics known of the gun i have been able to find the company who sold it says the grips are Trigger guard & back strap are brass which contain 2-pc yellow cow horn grips with Ruger black eagle medallions i think they are incorrect after hours of comparing material out there
Elmer Keith and fixed sights ? | Single-Actions - ProBoards
2009年9月13日 · If Elmer Keith's lifestyle in the mountains of Idaho could handle adjustable sights... What am I doing with so many fixed-sight handguns like Ruger Vaqueros and Bisley Vaqueros and S&Ws ? Colt SAA make since from a historical collection sense and joy of shooting, but what explains this other stuff in my vault ?.
Elmer Keith long range front sight | Single-Actions - ProBoards
2012年11月27日 · I am new to this sight and would like some advice on what sort of front sight to fit to a revolver for long range use (say up to 200 yards). I have read about the sights Elmer Keith used where he had fine gold bars inserted into a partridge front sight to provide alternative aiming points and that seems to be where I might head.
38 special 170 grain Keith | Single-Actions - ProBoards
2022年2月20日 · Skeeter was a big fan of the Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum and especially so with a 5” barrel. His load of choice was assembled with .38 Special brass using Elmer Keith’s recommended powder charge along with Ray Thompson’s bullet crimped in the bottom groove.
Building a Elmer Keith Ruger Blackhawk Homage...need help
2018年11月29日 · John, The No5 grip frame goes back all the way to 1928-29 when Elmer Keith married a Colt frontstrap the a Bisley backstrap. Elmer carried the No5 sixgun until the advent of the 44 Magnum. Elmer Keith called his No5 The Last Word. Here is one on a NM Flattop. This one is mine, built from scratch by Alan Harton
Safari by Elmer Keith | Single-Actions
2016年8月17日 · Stopped At Elmer Keith's & bought his book Sixgun"s & he signed it for me, showed me several revolvers he kept up stairs & then went out to his old converted shop in the back for a while. Not sure which OM Ruger this is on the book. This is a photo I took of Elmer Keith in his converted trophy room/writing room out back of his house.
38-44 HD - The Non-Magnum Magnum... | Single-Actions
2022年4月8日 · Elmer Keith was an early proponent of the .38/44 so much so in fact he designed a .38 bullet comparable to his .44 bullet. Both were designed for the old Lyman Ideal Company and both not only still exist they remain two of the most …
Elmer Keith interview | Single-Actions - ProBoards
2022年11月19日 · Elmer Keith was my idol from the time I discovered his writings in my teenage years and throughout the rest of my life. I only wish I could have met him. Thanks for posting the link, it was good to finally hear his voice.
Building a Elmer Keith Ruger Blackhawk Homage...need help
2018年11月28日 · Well as some of you know i am building a Elmer Keith Homage from a 1962 Ruger Blackhawk 44 mag 6.5" i got with three holes drilled almost thru the barrel from poor gunsmithing...the gun is like new...but i am finding a really like the idea of a brass grip frame and almost went with the super blackhawk factory grip frame...but i have a set of ...