Inside red China by Helen Foster Snow - Open Library
2023年8月25日 · Inside Red China (China in the Twentieth Century Series) by Helen Foster Snow, 1939, Doubleday, Doran edition, in English
续西行漫记 - 百度百科
1937年7月,埃德加·斯诺当时的妻子尼姆·威尔斯冲破重重阻碍,从北平到西安,再辗转到达延安,历时四五个月,写下这部让世界对中国共产党刮目相看的纪实性作品。 在访问 陕甘宁边区 期间,这位以独特身份走近 毛泽东 、 周恩来 、 朱德 、 彭德怀 、 张闻天 等中国共产党早期领导人的女记者,以同样温馨的手与蔡畅、 刘群先 、康克清以及丁玲等杰出女性紧紧相握,并以较大篇幅介绍了中国妇女与革命。 这个译本的很多篇章是首次公开出版,故事真实生动,人物情感细 …
Inside Red China by Helen Foster Snow - Open Library
Inside Red China (China in the Twentieth Century Series) by Helen Foster Snow, 1977, Da Capo Press edition, in English
Inside Red China (Da Capo Paperback) - 豆瓣读书
Inside Red China (Da Capo Paperback) 作者 : Helen Foster Snow 出版社: Da Capo Press 出版年: 1979-09 定价: USD 9.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780306801105 豆瓣评分
Snow, Helen Foster, 1907-1997 | BYU Library - Special Collections
She would publish her findings in her book Inside Red China in 1938. Helen later toured the Chinese Industrial Cooperatives and wrote to raise support of the initiatives. Helen returned to the United States, living in Madison, Connecticut and travelling the world.
Inside Red China (Da Capo Paperback) - amazon.com
1979年8月21日 · During the 1930s, Helen Snow lived the glomorous and dangerous life of a journalist in China, eventually publishing seven books on the Communist accession with her husband Edgar. Inside Red China is her firsthand account of the cataclymic events from May to September, 1937 in the Soviet capital Yenan just before the Red Army joined Chiang Kai ...
- 5/5(4)
Inside Red China (China in the Twentieth Century Series)
1977年6月21日 · During the 1930s, Helen Snow lived the glomorous and dangerous life of a journalist in China, eventually publishing seven books on the Communist accession with her husband Edgar. Inside Red China is her firsthand account of the cataclymic events from May to September, 1937 in the Soviet capital Yenan just before the Red Army joined Chiang Kai ...
- 评论数: 4
- 作者: Helen Snow
A Study on Red Literature and Value of Its Historical Data in Fu ...
It published a series of red and progressive literature, including Red Star Over China, Inside Red China, as well as The Complete Works of Lu Xun. Recent research on publications by Fu Association has shed light on the fact that The Nature and Motivation of the Chinese Revolution was released as an independent edition prior to the official ...
Helen Foster revealed the secret to the success of the fourth front Red …
Inside Red China by Helen Foster. After Edgar Snow's stories on Red China caused a great sensation, his wife, Helen Foster, realized that Snow's journey had become part of the history of China.
Inside Red China (Da Capo Paperback) - Goodreads
1977年1月1日 · It's the chronicles of a bold (solo!) female journalist in the 1930s, defying all odds, dangers, and governmental maneuvers to document the communist movement in China. How? By traveling through remote areas, going into the militia camps, and interviewing the people.
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