George Stephenson - Wikipedia
George Stephenson (9 June 1781 – 12 August 1848) was an English civil engineer and mechanical engineer during the Industrial Revolution. [1] Renowned as the "Father of Railways", [2] Stephenson was considered by the Victorians as a great example of diligent application and thirst for improvement.
George Stephenson | Biography, Locomotives, & Facts | Britannica
George Stephenson (born June 9, 1781, Wylam, Northumberland, England—died August 12, 1848, Chesterfield, Derbyshire) was an English engineer and principal inventor of the railroad locomotive. Stephenson was the son of a mechanic who operated a Newcomen atmospheric-steam engine that was used to pump out a coal mine at Newcastle upon Tyne .
喬治·史蒂芬生 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
喬治·史蒂芬生 (英語: George Stephenson,1781年6月9日—1848年8月12日 [1]), 英國 的 機械工程師 、 發明家,被稱為「鐵道之父」。 1814年,史蒂芬生設計了他的第一個火車頭,這是專門對吉林華斯(Killingworth)煤礦場牽引煤車設計的。 以普魯士將軍 馮‧布呂歇爾,取名為 布呂歇爾號。 1825年,他和兒子 羅伯特·史蒂芬生 一起造出了 機車一號,這是世界上第一個在公共鐵路(斯托克頓和達靈頓鐵路)上載客的 蒸汽機車。 1829年,他和 羅伯特·史蒂芬森 做出了火箭 …
乔治·斯蒂芬森 - 百度百科
斯蒂芬森(George Stephenson,Stephenson又译作史蒂芬孙或斯蒂芬逊等)早年做工,没有受过 学校教育 。 父亲是个煤矿工人,在蒸汽机房里烧锅炉,全家8口人的生活全靠父亲微薄的 工资收入 来维持。
乔治·史蒂芬生 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年4月23日 · 乔治·史蒂芬生 (英语: George Stephenson,1781年6月9日—1848年8月12日 [1]), 英国 的 机械工程师 、 发明家,被称为“ 铁道之父 ”。 1814年,史蒂芬生设计了他的第一个火车头,这是专门对吉林华斯(Killingworth)煤矿场牵引煤车设计的。 以普鲁士将军 冯‧布吕歇尔,取名为 布吕歇尔号。 1825年,他和儿子 罗伯特·史蒂芬生 一起造出了 机车一号,这是世界上第一个在公共铁路(斯托克顿和达灵顿铁路)上载客的 蒸汽机车。 1829年,他和 罗伯特·史蒂 …
George Stephenson Biography
George Stephenson (9 June 1781 – 12 August 1848) was a self-made mechanical engineer, largely credited with building the first railway line and becoming the ‘father of the railways’. His rail gauge of 4 ft 8.5 inches became the global standard gauge.
George Stephenson and the Invention of the Steam Locomotive Engine
2017年3月6日 · George Stephenson is considered to be the inventor of the first steam locomotive engine for railways. Learn about him and his inventions.
Historic Figures: George Stephenson (1781-1848) - BBC
George Stephenson © Stephenson was a pioneering railway engineer and inventor of the 'Rocket', the most famous early railway locomotive. George Stephenson was born on 9 June 1781 near...
Stephenson, George - Encyclopedia.com
2018年6月11日 · George Stephenson was a largely self-taught engineer who developed the steam blast locomotive, or railroad engine. Stephenson became the leading manufacturer of railroads and locomotives in England at the height of the Industrial Revolution, a period of fast-paced economic change that began in Great Britain in the middle of the eighteenth century.
George Stephenson | Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
George Stephenson was an English civil and mechanical engineer who pioneered the Victorian railway. This achievement led to him being known as the ‘Father of the railways,’ with his inventions viewed as outstanding examples of Victorian innovation. Perhaps the most enduring of Stephenson’s creations was the ‘Stephenson rail gauge’.