Prussian Marching Songs - History Forum
The first one, "Preußens Gloria" (Prussias Glory) is by Piefke and was written for the victorious troops, returning after the french-german war that led to the German Reich in 1871. It was performed first in a victory parade in Frankfurt (Oder) (This means its not the famous financial center but the one right next to the polish-german border ...
Romans marching cadence - History Forum
2017年4月10日 · Marching cadence aren't accompanied by musical instruments, they aren't expertly composed by musicians, they either all get sung at the same time (like German marching songs) or one person says a line then everyone repeats it.
Roman songs - History Forum
2021年6月3日 · Greek folk songs, Jewish, Punic, Celtic from Gallia and Britannia, German from Germania, Boish-Slavic from Moravia, Gothic from Ukraine, perhaps even Scynthian. In Rome-city the patricians watched opera in the theaters but plebs and young people prefered music of African slaves like rap and rock'n roll.
Hilarious British War Songs! - History Forum
2014年10月27日 · If you see a German soldier stick up a bayonet up his- holy moses I am dying...''etc etc.. The 1969 Richard Attenborough film ''OH WHAT A LOVELY WAR' had a scene in which during a church parade a single British Tommy sang to the same ''WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS'' tune-
Your Military Left: A Brief History of Cadences
2011年12月11日 · Such songs were rarely designed to be sung while marching and units still relied on a fife and drum to keep in step over long distances. The modern form of military cadences descends directly from the rural work songs …
Hilarious British War Songs! | Page 3 | History Forum
2014年10月27日 · Barrack rooms songs were by their very nature bawdy--the degree of vulgarity varied with the era and many were, naturally, parodies of popular songs of the time. The Hit Song of 1913 "The Mademoiselle from Armentiers" became "Three German Officers crossed the Rhine"--it was hard to find a vulgar version--but here 'tis.
Did this actually happen? - History Forum
2012年11月10日 · Japanese military tradition, including such things as parades, marching, military music, bands, musical instruments, was entirely borrowed from Europe, and did not include elements drawn from traditional Japanese peasant culture.
Romans marching cadence | Page 5 - History Forum
2017年4月10日 · Now let's go into a more abstract part of necessity, which is the need to fulfill tradition. Roman military evolutionary development didn't have them coming from traditional systems that encouraged drill and marching in step. To compare, in the 21st century, the most skilled soldiers in the world are still taught 17th century parade ground drill.
Roman army, post battle | History Forum
2024年12月26日 · Roman (and Greek) armies would erect a tropaeum just after a victory. This was quite literally a trophy made by the panoplies of the defeated enemy.
Military marches/drums&fife during 17th and 18th centuries
2020年4月27日 · Gotta say that marching to fifes and drums is GLORIOUS. Many marching tunes were just popular songs of the day, and vice versa, and most had lyrics (as well as dirty parodies!). Certain tunes were used as communication. "Roast Beef" called the troops to dinner, "The General" was used to strike the camp.