You’re not lazy. : r/ADHD - Reddit
2021年5月26日 · You are not lazy just because you didn’t complete something. If you spent hours on that homework/project/work assignment etc. but didn’t manage to get much done, you are …
Dual POV is not lazy writing, it’s just a stylistic choice.
The topic of whether or not Dual POV = bad or lazy writing came up and I thought I’d throw my opinion hat into the ring. I think that POV is a choice, and generally that choice just comes …
[Advice] You're not lazy, you're not unmotivated, and there's
Just saying "I'm lazy and have no motivation" isn't gonna help you. But the only way you're going to help yourself is to notice what the problem is - and sometimes that problem is you. And this …
Is Gen Z really that lazy? : r/GenZ - Reddit
As a former college professor, Gen Z is most definitely lazy. It’s not that they’re unwilling to work In the macro sense of that word, but if they don’t feel like doing something or don’t like what …
Lazy: The Art of being lazy - Reddit
I am not lazy, i think I am scared to face the difficulties that are in the way while i study. I am just too afraid of them, i think, i ended up avoiding the task. Is it fear of failure? Or what is it? How …
You’re not lazy : r/ADHD - Reddit
2024年1月25日 · My wife has told me that’s not lazy, you forgetting isn’t lazy. It took a little bit to finally snap into place and I realize I’m not lazy. I work a full time job, I help my wife around the …
[Text] You're not lazy, unmotivated, or undisciplined. You ... - Reddit
You don’t put things off because you’re lazy, unmotivated, or lack discipline. We put things off because it’s the easiest way to cope with the negative feelings caused by a daunting task. And …
You're not lazy. : r/raisedbynarcissists - Reddit
2019年4月4日 · You're not lazy. You use energy every morning when you get out of bed and make the decision to start your day, and you do it by choice. You put both energy and effort …
Warning that "resourcing config is not supported" at every
2024年5月3日 · Re-sourcing your config is not supported with lazy.nvim. Now I guess, that somewhere in my config I made a mistake that triggers this warning. The question is: How can …
[Advice] How to stop being lazy : r/getdisciplined - Reddit
2017年8月25日 · So to stop being lazy, you have to gradually reduce your use of cheap comforts throughout the day, and slowly but surely replace them with fulfilling and constructive things, …