Who was Ivar the Boneless? Perhaps Prince Ivar (Igor) of Kiev?
2018年11月16日 · So Prince Ivar/Igor of Kiev may also have been King Harde Knute the First of Denmark and Prince Ivar the Boneless of England. This is the first indication of Rus’ princes …
Would the Vikings have accepted a handicapped leader? (Ivar the …
So, we don't really know why Ivar was called Boneless, but the accounts of him being carried on a shield indicate he might not have been able to walk. But, would this not contradict Viking …
Ivar "the Boneless" - curious name? | History Forum
In the sagas , Ivar the boneless is described : Only cartilage was where bone should have been , but otherwise he grew tall and handsome and in wisdom he was the best of their children. …
Ivar "the Boneless" - curious name? | Page 2 | History Forum
I always thought the name was "Baneless", as in without bane. Bane means poison or trouble (if someone is 'the bane of my life' it means they are a recurring nuisance), so Ivar the Baneless …
Ivar The Boneless, son of Lodbrok - History Forum
This is apparently a picture of the actor playing Ivar The Boneless in "Vikings". The most fascinating thing is that the legendary Ivar is depicted as disabled, with "no bones at all." Yet …
Ivar "the Boneless" - curious name? | Page 4 | History Forum
2009年6月11日 · Peoples birthdates can be mistranscribed or lied about. They might have lived longer than us. They might have been healthier. All those old skeletons on the TV often look to …
Ivar the Boneless was disabled? | History Forum - historum.com
We can be pretty sure Ivar the Boneless wasn't disabled, or outwardly malformed. Sagas say he was handsome and very tall; he could walk and fight in battles unaided. But there was …
The Danes and Anglo-Saxon England - History Forum
2012年1月8日 · King Burgred of Mercia then negotiated peace with Ivar, with the Danes keeping Nottingham in exchange for leaving the rest of Mercia unmolested. The Danes continued their …
Did Ragnar Lodbrok exist? - History Forum
2015年3月4日 · The Ui Imair's founder was Ivar, possibly the Boneless, and he had brothers called Auisle and Amlaib. But near-contemporary annals say his father was Gofraidh of …
Examples of Historical Figures with Disabilities | History Forum
2021年7月14日 · Nelson Antigonas I Monophthalmus. Gotz von Berlichingen Yagyuu Jubei Mitsuyoshi Date Masamune Xiahou Dun Baldwin IV of Jerusalem