Seastone - One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Seastone is a naturally-occurring but immensely rare mineral best known for its negation of Devil Fruit abilities. Though it originates from Wano Country, [2] Seastone is currently utilized in …
Kairoseki - Mobianpedia Wiki | Fandom
Kairoseki (海楼石 Kairōseki?, translated as "Seastone"; literally meaning "Sea Watchtower Stone"), also being called Sea-Prism Stone, is a naturally occurring (though apparently rare) …
Kairoseki - Ultimate Crossover Wiki | Fandom
Kairoseki (海楼石 Kairōseki, translated as "Seastone"; literally meaning "Sea Watchtower Stone"), is a naturally occurring (though apparently rare) substance that can cancel out Devil Fruit …
Kairoseki - One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Kairouseki (海楼石, Kairōseki?) é uma substância de ocorrência natural (embora aparentemente rara) que pode drenar a energia dos usuários de Akuma no Mi até o ponto em que eles não …
Kairoseki | Mine Mine no Mi Wiki | Fandom
Kairoseki (a.k.a, Seastone, or Sea Prism Stone) is a material used mainly by the Marines. It functions similarly to Busoshoku no Haki, in that it can hit a Devil Fruit user regardless of what …
What effect does Kairoseki's have on Haki?
2014年1月5日 · According to Smoker, Kairoseki works to incapacitate devil fruit eaters because it gives off the same wavelength as the sea. In addition, Shanks used Haoshoku no Haki on the …
Why is Kairoseki's effect more powerful than the sea?
2016年11月13日 · Kairoseki is a naturally occurring (though apparently rare) substance that can cancel out Devil Fruit powers and weaken Devil Fruit users. It gives off a wavelength that is …
海楼石 (かいろうせき)とは【ピクシブ百科事典】
『ONEPIECE』に登場する架空の 鉱石 で、“ 偉大なる航路 ” (グランドライン)の一部の海域で産出される。 バジル・ホーキンス によれば“ 新世界 ”の ワノ国 で最初に掘り出されたらしく …
Kairoseki - Mine Mine no Mi Docs
2024年9月3日 · Kairoseki (or Seastone in english dubs) is an ore found deep on the ocean's floor and near oceans. It is used to enchant weapons with kairoseki effects allowing its wielder to hit …
【ワンピース】海楼石(かいろうせき)とは何?成分や加工につい …
2023年10月21日 · 『ワンピース』の海楼石 (かいろうせき)は作品独自の鉱物であり、作中では主に悪魔の実の能力者に対抗できる効果があるアイテムとして重宝されています。 そんな『 …