约 3 个结果
Kite Aerial Photography - What's New Archive
2024年1月5日 · When waiting for the right light sometimes the KAPer has little to do but fly a kite, May 1995 (59K jpg) This page archives my older What's New notes. It provides a reverse chronology record of the site's development for those that are interested in when what showed up.
Kite Aerial Photography - Bob Pebly
In a recent Aerial Eye article, Bob Pebly offered several observations from the perspective of self-professed rookie. The following Peblyisms certainly ring true in my experience: Fly your kite first without the camera to make sure you are comfortable with the kite and conditions.
Kite Aerial Photography - Bolinas Ridge(4)
Notes on Kite Aerial Photography: Location Maps. Gallery Page Locations Bolinas Ridge