These sample forms and notices can be customized for your resident council and board meetings. This document is part of the Public Housing Resident Organizing and Participation Toolkit.
These sample procedures are based off of the Sample Bylaws provided in this Toolkit. The procedures provide detail for carrying out important resident council functions — particularly running meetings and electing board members and officers.
Resident Council Meeting Agenda Template - PrintFriendly
This file provides a comprehensive agenda template for resident council meetings. It outlines essential items to discuss and action items to consider. Utilize this template for effective meeting planning and execution.
Sample The theme of this meeting is October 1, 2015 Dear Lucille, You are invited to your Resident Council meeting on Tuesday, October 13th at 2:15 pm in the Main Dining Room. “This is Our Home”. The purpose of the meeting is to ask your ideas and opinion about plans for remodeling the dining room.
Sample Resident Council Documents - HUD Exchange
This webinar covers three documents related to resident council procedures: the Sample Resident Council Procedures, Sample Forms for Resident Council Meetings, and Sample Forms for Resident Council Elections.
See the Sample Resident Council Procedures in this toolkit for specific information related to meeting proce-dures, agendas, and decision-making. See the Sample Forms for Resident Council Meetings for forms and notices related to these procedures.
A resident council is an independent group of long-term care facility residents who typically meet at a minimum of once a month to discuss concerns and suggestions in the facility and to plan activities that are important to them.
Each nursing home must protect and promote the rights of residents and family members to organize and participate in councils. This includes: providing private meeting space in the facility to councils, informing residents and family members of meetings, designating a council-approved staff member as
Resident Council Meeting Agenda Template - PrintFriendly This file provides a comprehensive agenda template for resident council meetings. It outlines essential items to discuss and action items to consider. Utilize this template for effective meeting planning and execution.
How to Run Successful Resident Council Meetings - Golden …
2020年1月18日 · Resident Council Meetings empower residents to voice their concerns, exercise their rights, and play a part in the decision-making process within their own home. Meetings may be monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly, depending on the wishes of council members.