Results of the current study find that identity salience and psychological centrality are separate. When people were given a behavioral choice between their two most important role-identities …
The Causal Ordering of Prominence and Salience in Identity …
An identity’s salience indicates its relative position in a hierarchy of salience ranked by its propensity of being called up: identity theory predicts that a highly salient identity is likely to be …
What Is Salient Identity? - Bizfluent
2017年9月26日 · Salient identity is a concept that makes sense of how a person responds to different situations, considering these multiple identities. A person’s salient identity is the …
The Relationship Between Identity Importance and Identity Salience ...
2020年4月23日 · A perplexing finding in the identity literature is that the strength of the relationship between identity importance (also called “prominence” or “centrality”) and identity …
Hierarchy Of Salience | A Simplified Psychology Guide
The Hierarchy of Salience refers to a cognitive concept that describes the arrangement and prioritization of various social identities based on an individual’s perception and context.
Sage Reference - Encyclopedia of Identity - Identity Salience
Proponents of social identity theory, originating in the work of Henri Tajfel and John Turner, focus on salience as a psychological state of mind—something “in here”—that is associated with self …
Identity Salience - Work and Family Researchers Network
“Identity salience represents one of the ways, and a theoretically most important way, that the identities making up the self can be organized. Identities, that is, are conceived as being …
Conceptualizing Identity Prominence, Salience, and Commitment
2023年8月26日 · In this paper, the concepts of prominence, salience, and commitment are reinterpreted as characteristics of identities that arise out of the perceptual control processes …
The Causal Ordering of Prominence and Salience in Identity ... - PubMed
Analyses strongly support a causal ordering from prominence to salience. We provide theoretical and empirical grounds to justify this ordering while acknowledging potential variation in its …
(PDF) Identity Salience and Psychological Centrality: Equivalent ...
1994年3月1日 · Salience is the likelihood that an identity will be invoked across situations. More salient identities are more likely to be enacted, and when they are, behavior tends to be...