Results of the current study find that identity salience and psychological centrality are separate. When people were given a behavioral choice between their two most important role-identities they did not always choose the identity that they identified as most important to their self-concept.
The Causal Ordering of Prominence and Salience in Identity …
An identity’s salience indicates its relative position in a hierarchy of salience ranked by its propensity of being called up: identity theory predicts that a highly salient identity is likely to be enacted or to define a situation to promote its own enactment.
What Is Salient Identity? - Bizfluent
2017年9月26日 · Salient identity is a concept that makes sense of how a person responds to different situations, considering these multiple identities. A person’s salient identity is the identity that comes into play in a specific situation. Someone’s salient …
The Relationship Between Identity Importance and Identity Salience ...
2020年4月23日 · A perplexing finding in the identity literature is that the strength of the relationship between identity importance (also called “prominence” or “centrality”) and identity salience varies dramatically across studies, from near-zero to 0.63, even when the same role identities are examined.
Hierarchy Of Salience | A Simplified Psychology Guide
The Hierarchy of Salience refers to a cognitive concept that describes the arrangement and prioritization of various social identities based on an individual’s perception and context.
Sage Reference - Encyclopedia of Identity - Identity Salience
Proponents of social identity theory, originating in the work of Henri Tajfel and John Turner, focus on salience as a psychological state of mind—something “in here”—that is associated with self-conception and identity-related behavior.
Identity Salience - Work and Family Researchers Network
“Identity salience represents one of the ways, and a theoretically most important way, that the identities making up the self can be organized. Identities, that is, are conceived as being organized into a salience hierarchy.
Conceptualizing Identity Prominence, Salience, and Commitment
2023年8月26日 · In this paper, the concepts of prominence, salience, and commitment are reinterpreted as characteristics of identities that arise out of the perceptual control processes that maintain identity verification.
The Causal Ordering of Prominence and Salience in Identity ... - PubMed
Analyses strongly support a causal ordering from prominence to salience. We provide theoretical and empirical grounds to justify this ordering while acknowledging potential variation in its strength across identities.
(PDF) Identity Salience and Psychological Centrality: Equivalent ...
1994年3月1日 · Salience is the likelihood that an identity will be invoked across situations. More salient identities are more likely to be enacted, and when they are, behavior tends to be...