sit / sit down in a circle | WordReference Forums
2015年3月3日 · This would be understood to mean that you wanted them to move their chairs into a circle. If, on the other hand, the children are all standing up, you could say either -- but "sit …
difference between sit in and sit on | WordReference Forums
2009年11月18日 · As so often in English, there is no hard and fast rule here. In the absence of any further information, the mental image created by hearing "sit in the chair" would be of a …
sit in or sit on? - WordReference Forums
2011年3月12日 · To me, at any rate, "Sitting in" suggests that the chair in question is an armchair, in which somebody lies back and is enfolded.
Form a circle/sit in a circle - WordReference Forums
2014年11月5日 · Hola, quisiera decirles a mis estudiates que se sienten en círculo pero no estoy segura de que frase se deba utilizar: Pónganse en círculo Fórmense un círculo Siéntense en …
Sit together - WordReference Forums
2010年12月22日 · Although the above sentence is grammatically correct, whether the expression [ sit together ] has been used correctly or not depends on exactly what you intended to say. …
sit by me / next to me - WordReference Forums
2007年11月17日 · Is there a difference between: 1. Sit by me 2. Sit next to me Thanks. Not much. I suppose that you might have two people on a sofa indicate a chair in front of them and say …
Sit close to or closely to? - WordReference Forums
2023年2月12日 · She sat close to me. She sat closely to me. I could find out that close to is idiomatic in this sentence. But closely is the adverb.
I sit on/in the armchair - WordReference Forums
2012年7月10日 · You can sit on an armchair, you can sit on the edge of the seat of the armchair, you could even sit on the arm of the armchair, but we usually just relax and sit in the armchair. …
"we denote by n an integer" instead of "n denotes ..."?
2012年3月17日 · It is (still) *the* standard construction to introduce and define symbols in maths. And you are completely right, I can hardly think of any context where "We denote by n an …
sit a test vs sit for a test - WordReference Forums
2022年9月27日 · As several AmE speakers have already explained, 'sit' is not used in this sense in AmE. The version with for is possible in British English, I think, but not common. You might …