Sierra de Guadarrama - Wikipedia
The Sierra de Guadarrama (Guadarrama Mountains) is a mountain range forming the main eastern section of the Sistema Central, the system of mountain ranges along the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. It is in Spain, between the systems Sierra de Gredos in the province of Ávila, and Sierra de Ayllón in the province of Guadalajara.
Sierra de Guadarrama National Park - spain.info
Mountains more than 2,000 metres high, vast forests and varied wildlife are all waiting for you at the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park. Located in the provinces of Madrid and Segovia, this park offers the chance to discover some of the best examples of Iberian nature, only one hour by car from the city of Madrid.
Sierra de Guadarrama National Park: Complete Visitor’s Guide
Located in the Sierra de Guadarrama, the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park is a natural haven just a short distance from Spain’s capital, nestled between the provinces of Madrid and Segovia. With its mountainous landscapes, rich biodiversity, and numerous outdoor activity options, the Sierra de Guadarrama has become a must-visit destination ...
Guadarrama National Park - Wikipedia
Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (in Spanish: Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama) is a national park in Spain, covering nearly 34,000 hectares, the fifth largest in Spain's national parks system.
Sierra de Guadarrama National Park - SierraGuadarrama.info
The National Park encompasses 33,960 hectares of the Sierra de Guadarrama in the Central System, a mountainous massif that halves the Castilian plateau and separates the Duero and the Tajo river basins and also Madrid and Segovia provinces. Most of its surface is formed by peaks on which rocky outcrops, mountain pastures and shrubs prevail.
瓜达拉玛山脉国家公园|西班牙旅游 - visitspain.com.cn
位于西班牙中部的瓜达拉玛山脉国家公园景色优美,植被繁多,仅昼行性蝴蝶就有100多种,是登山和徒步,欣赏风景的好去处。 这座国家公园位于西班牙的中部,以其冰斗凹地和冰山融湖著称,西班牙动物种类中的40%在这个公园都能找到。 向地平线望去,可以看到它的最高峰——佩尼亚拉拉峰。 景色最优美的一些地区有佩得利萨-德曼萨那莱斯(Pedriza de Manzanares)、皮纳尔-德拉阿塞贝达( Pinar de la Acebeda)或佩尼亚拉拉(Peñalara)。 公园中有那些动物? 伊 …
2025年1月28日 · Sierra de Guadarrama Una montaña de naturaleza: flora, fauna, ríos, peñas, canchales, lagunas, bosques, ... Conoce a sus protagonistas, su estado ecológico y lo que hacemos para conservar el parque.
The ULTIMATE Sierra de Guadarrama National Park Guide
2022年9月15日 · Vast forests, high mountain grasslands, snow-covered terrains, huge rocky areas, streams, seasonal waterfalls, and gorgeous glacial origin make up this national park’s entire essence. This composition of ecological balance along with few endemic species and aesthetic values elevates the experience of a holistic time out in the wild.
Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama - Comunidad de …
La Sierra de Guadarrama posee unas características paisajísticas, geológicas, geomorfológicas, hidrográficas, botánicas, faunísticas, históricas y culturales singulares a escala nacional.
Descripción general del Parque
El Parque Nacional ocupa 33.960 hectáreas de la Sierra de Guadarrama en el Sistema Central, macizo montañoso que divide en dos la meseta castellana y separa las cuencas hidrográficas del Duero y el Tajo y las provincias de Segovia y Madrid.