KENSINGTON, NH ARTICLE I: AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE In order to promote the health, safety, prosperity, appearance, convenience, economy and general welfare of the community, the following Ordinance is hereby enacted by the voters of Kensington, New Hampshire. This Ordinance is in accordance with Chapters 672 and 677, New
The Town of Kensington requests sealed written proposals from qualified contractors to obtain prices for mowing and landscape maintenance of municipal grounds in the Town of Kensington as outlined and described in this document.
Possession of the Right to Burial for a plot in the Kensington Cemetery grants the possessor (“Possessor”) the right to determine who may be buried in the plot up to the limits of the available space as determined by the Kensington Cemetery Trustees.
2023年10月16日 · TOWN OF KENSINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Kensington Town Hall 95 Amesbury Road Kensington, NH 03833 MONDAY October 16, 2023 Agenda 6:30 PM Public Comment- AGENDA: DEPARTMENT HEADS: • Police Department –Chief Scott Cain – • Fire Department – Chief Jon True - ...
Possession of the Right to Burial for a plot in the Kensington Cemetery grants the possessor (“Possessor”) the right to determine who may be buried in the plot, up to the limits of the available space as determined by the Kensington Cemetery Trustees.
For the Town of Kensington an abutter shall be any property owner whose property is located in New Hampshire and within two hundred (200) feet of any property line, including across a street or stream, of a land under consideration by
TOWN OF KENSINGTON, NH NEW PLOT ESTABLISHMENT FORM EXPLANATION This form establishes a new plot in the Kensington Cemetery and grants the below-named individual the right to determine who may be buried in the plot, up to the limits of the available space as determined by the Kensington Cemetery Trustees.
Police Department, Town of Kensington, NH 22 January 2019 The Kensington Board of Selectmen and Police Department are excited to announce the promotion of Sgt. Scott Cain to fill the post of Kensington Chief of Police effective March 1, 2019. Sgt. Cain has worked for the Town of Kensington as a full-time police officer for the last twelve years ...
KENSINGTON, NH MEET YOUR NEW TRASH AND RECYCLING CART! No more sorting, bending or lifting—your new recycling carts will have two wheels for easy maneuvering and a lid to keep things tidy. The extra space will make recycling easier and provide more room for storage—a true win-win—for residents. CAN I RECYCLE HOSES, CORDS, WIRES OR
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TOWN OF KENSINGTON Analysis of the Tax Rate 2022 Valuation w/ Utilities $ 403,918,460 Valuation w/o Utilities $ 385,117,891 Jurisdiction Tax to be raised Tax Rate / $1,000 % of Total Rate Town $ 1,835,551 $ 4.55 22.9% County $ 352,899 ...