Trunk Based Development
This site attempts to collect all the related facts, rationale and techniques for Trunk-Based Development together in one place, complete with twenty-five diagrams to help explain things. …
DORA | Capabilities: Trunk-based Development
The following diagram shows a typical trunk-based development timeline: In trunk-based development, developers push code directly into trunk. Changes made in the release …
Trunk-based Development - Atlassian
Trunk-based development is a version control management practice where developers merge small, frequent updates to a core “trunk” or main branch. It’s a common practice among …
版本分支管理标准 - Trunk Based Development 主干开发模型
2019年9月12日 · Trunk based Development,又叫 主干开发 ,是一套代码分支管理策略,开发人员之间通过约定向被指定为 主干 的分支提交代码,以此抵抗因为长期存在的多分支导致的开 …
How to Implement Trunk-Based Development: A Practical Guide
2024年3月15日 · Trunk-based development is a software development strategy where all developers commit code changes to a single shared branch, known as the “trunk” or …
Styles and Trade-offs - Trunk-Based Development
There are broadly three styles of trunk-based development as a daily developer activity. Depending on the number of developers in the team, the release cadence, and the desired …
Explaining Trunk Based Development - Travis CI
2024年4月17日 · Trunk-based development is one of the most widely used branching methodologies. It helps teams collaborate and build and deliver software. This article will …
Trunk-Based Development in Software Development
2024年7月25日 · Implementing trunk-based development (TBD) involves following a set of practices and principles that revolve around maintaining a single, main branch (often called …
How we do trunk-based development (and why you should too)
2024年2月5日 · What is trunk-based development? What are the benefits of trunk-based development? 1. Avoiding merge conflicts; 2. Keeps main healthy; 3. Reviewable PRs; The …
Key to branch diagrams - Trunk-Based Development
Trunk Based Development: Key to branch diagrams Trunk Based Development. Introduction Context Five-minute overview Deciding factors Version control system features Version control …