VR Group | VR Group
At VR, we promote responsible transport of the future with our solid experience gained from 160 years of operations. VR Long-distance Traffic in Finland had an all-time year – 15.3 million train journeys
VR Group as a company
At VR, we promote responsible transport of the future with our solid experience gained from 160 years of operations. We are a passenger, logistics and maintenance service company owned by the Finnish state which operates in Finland and Sweden.
Group Management | VR Group
VR Group is a limited company wholly owned by the Finnish state. It falls within the remit of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Group is controlled by an ownership steering unit that is a part of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Etusivu | VR Group
Aiempaa merkittävästi nopeampi ”Uusi VR-wifi” on nyt käytössä kaikissa VR:n kaukoliikenteen junissa. Uusi juna-wifi mahdollistaa matka-ajan tehokkaamman hyödyntämisen. Asiakastyytyväisyys juna-wifiin onkin jo parantunut uudistuksen myötä.
Finnish railway market - VR Group
HSL has tendered commuter train services in the capital region and VR has won this tender. HSL procures the transport services and decides on their service level, ticket prices and sales.
Business operations - VR Group
Our business units are VR Long-distance Traffic, VR City Traffic and VR Transpoint (logistics): VR Long-distance Traffic takes care of long-distance train journeys in Finland and between …
News | VR Group
VR has set ambitious science-based targets for reducing emissions: net-zero to be reached by 2040 The international Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has verified VR’s near-term target and long-term targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Management team - VR Group
VR Group Management Team handles the strategic and otherwise significant matters affecting VR Group, as well as its most important daily functions and operational decisions.
Credit rating - VR Group
VR-Group Plc has since 22 May 2018 been assigned a long-term credit rating of ‘A+’, with a stable outlook, by Standard & Poor’s.
Kesän päiväjunat ovat nyt myynnissä - VR Group
2025年1月16日 · VR avasi tänään myyntiin kesäkauden junamatkat ajalle 16.6.-10.8. Kesällä ajetaan jopa 230 lisäjunavuoroa muun muassa Helsingistä Tampereelle ja Jyväskylään, Helsingistä Lappeenrantaan sekä Tampereelta Turkuun. Juna on kesällä vaivaton ja ympäristöviisas tapa matkustaa. Junalla pääsee kätevästi upeisiin luontokohteisiin.