Understanding the Fundamentals of Value-Stream Mapping
2022年8月25日 · What is Value-Stream Mapping? Value-stream mapping (VSM) is a fundamental lean practice that involves diagraming a value stream, which includes all the actions (value-creating and nonvalue-creating) needed to move a product or service from raw material to the arms of the customer, including the material and information flow.
an understanding of value-stream mapping and the ability to read a future-state map. But the mapping and future-state implementation team needs to be led by someone who can see across the boundaries over which a product’s value-stream flows and make change happen there. Value-stream improvement — “flow kaizen”— is manage-ment doing ...
Value Stream Mapping in Product Development - Lean Enterprise …
2022年9月22日 · Product development value-stream mapping is a universal technique. It can apply to almost any industry, whether a product, a service, hardware, or software. I’ve seen it applied to everything from very simple processes, like developing a squeegee, to very complex, like an aircraft carrier, and anything in between.
Value Stream Mapping Overview - Lean Enterprise Institute
Value stream mapping typically begins with a team creating a current state map. This means capturing the actual condition of a value stream’s material and information flow. Subsequently, the team draws a future state map. That is to say a target image of how material and information should flow through the value stream.
10 Tips for Value Stream Mapping | Lean Enterprise Institute
2022年9月1日 · 1. Pick Processes (Value Streams) That Matter. In other words, select value streams (or value-stream segments) that link to your strategic plan, annual goals, balanced scorecard performance, etc. Doing this means you must be clear about your customers, what they require from these value streams (not programs) by which you deliver value to them, and how …
Learning to See | Learn Value-Stream Mapping | Buy the Book
This groundbreaking workbook, which has introduced the value-stream mapping tool to thousands of people around the world, breaks down the important concepts of value-stream mapping into an easily grasped format. The workbook, a Shingo Research Prize recipient in 1999, is filled with actual maps, as well as engaging diagrams and illustrations.
Learning to See Using Value-Stream Mapping - Lean Enterprise …
Va lue-stream mapping is a fundamental lean prac tice that involves capturing and visual ly depicting — using a comp uter or pencil and paper — all the actions (value-creating and nonvalue-creating) needed to produce a product or service from raw material inputs to delivery.
Why Value-Stream Mapping is So Difficult in the Public Sector
2016年6月9日 · Value-stream mapping is a critical step of any lean transformation. If said transformation happens to be in the public sector, though, there are some signficant hurdles to overcome. One of the most significant barriers is the difficulty of identifying the value in the public sector, which, if not properly done, can bring the entire mapping ...
Value Stream Mapping in a Low-Volume/High-Mix Environment
2022年9月14日 · Grouping products by flow created smaller individualized value streams within the overall organizational value stream — some with 300 products, others with 50, and others with just one or two. Once we understood this, we knew how many manufacturing “units” (e.g., machines, secondary processing, labor, etc.) we would need for each value ...
Insights on Why, When, and How Value-Stream Mapping is a Vital …
2022年10月27日 · Value-Stream Mapping Icons ; 6 Guidelines for Moving Toward a Lean Value Stream By Mike Rother and John Shook Once you’re ready to use value-stream mapping to continuously improve your value streams, follow this advice from the authors of Learning to See, the workbook that introduced value-stream mapping to thousands of people around the world.