Prosody | Definition, Examples, Elements, & Facts | Britannica
2025年1月25日 · prosody, the study of all the elements of language that contribute toward acoustic and rhythmic effects, chiefly in poetry but also in prose. The term derived from an ancient Greek word that originally meant a song accompanied by music or the particular tone or accent given to an individual syllable.
Prosody - Rhythm, Stress, Intonation | Britannica
2025年1月25日 · Prosody - Rhythm, Stress, Intonation: Scansion reveals the basic metrical pattern of the poem; it does not, however, tell everything about its prosody. The metre combines with other elements, notably propositional sense or meaning, pace or tempo, and such sound effects as alliteration, assonance, and rhyme.
Prosody - Poetic Forms, Metrics, Rhyme | Britannica
2024年11月27日 · Prosody - Poetic Forms, Metrics, Rhyme: After 1900 the study of prosody emerged as an important and respectable part of literary study. George Saintsbury published his great History of English Prosody during the years 1906–10.
prosody summary | Britannica
prosody , Study of the elements of language, especially metre, that contribute to rhythmic and acoustic effects in poetry. The basis of “traditional” prosody in English is the classification of verse according to the syllable stress of its lines.
Prosody - Meter, Rhyme, Stress | Britannica
2024年11月27日 · Prosody - Meter, Rhyme, Stress: Ancient critics like Aristotle and Horace insisted that certain metres were natural to the specific poetic genres; thus, Aristotle (in the Poetics) noted, “Nature herself, as we have said, teaches the choice of the proper measure.”
Prosody Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
PROSODY meaning: the rhythm and pattern of sounds of poetry and language
Prosody - Quantitative, Metres, Poetry | Britannica
2025年1月25日 · Prosody - Quantitative, Metres, Poetry: Quantitative metres determine the prosody of Greek and Latin verse. Renaissance theorists and critics initiated a confused and complicated argument that tried to explain European poetry by the rules of Classical prosody and to draft laws of quantity by which European verse might move in the hexameters of ...
Foot | Rhythm, Meter, Poetry | Britannica
Foot, in verse, the smallest metrical unit of measurement. The prevailing kind and number of feet, revealed by scansion, determines the metre of a poem. In classical (or quantitative) verse, a foot, or metron, is a combination of two or more long and short syllables. A …
Prosody - Poetry, Rhyme, Meter | Britannica
2024年11月27日 · No regular metre moves these lines, but a clearly articulated rhythm—produced by shape, thematic repetitions, sound effects, and patterns of stress and pause—defines a prosody. Whitman’s prosody marks a clear break with previous metrical practices. Often a new prosody modifies an existing metrical form or revives an obsolete one.
Literature - Craftsmanship, Imagination, Expression | Britannica
2025年1月9日 · Prosody, which is the science of versification, has for its subject the materials of poetry and is concerned almost entirely with the laws of meter, or rhythm in the narrowest sense. It deals with the patterning of sound in time; the number, length, accent , and pitch of syllables; and the modifications of rhythm by vowels and consonants.