Duplicate definition of block ... ignored. - Autodesk Community
2019年2月20日 · dear sir/madam, when i insert a block with the same name i get this in the command bar: "Duplicate definition of block GH ignored." is there a way to get the related …
Solved: Edit the Room Boundaries - Autodesk Community
2018年4月23日 · 1. Define the Room boundaries, (using Walls/Curtain Walls/Windows/Doors) and Room Separation Lines when those boundaries fail to work (as they so frequently fail, eg. …
Solved: Extruding at an angle? - Autodesk Community
2015年10月2日 · there is an angle manipulator in Extrude, but it is for setting the draft angle on the Extrude. It's not really for Extruding at an angle. For that, you need Sweep - define another …
hatch, hatching problems, hatch boundary, polyline - Autodesk …
2019年3月12日 · I have always had some general frustration with Autocad's ability to hatch elements of the drawing. When I upgraded my pc, I saw a slight improvement to the …
How do you unblock a block without eliminating drawing?
2015年7月20日 · It is possible in newer versions to define a Block so as to not allow Exploding, so watch for that. I don't think that can be an issue if it's an external drawing file that you have …
Solved: Multiple UVW mapping channels - Autodesk Community
2015年4月11日 · Collapse as you go. Add an UnwrapUVW (channel 1 by default), work on your UVs, collapse. Add an UnwrapUVW, change the channel immediately and choose Abandon …
Creating a point at specific coordinates? - Autodesk Community
2024年3月10日 · Please ignore the Move command. It is not good workflow and clutters up the timeline. Either build parts in place. or build them around the origin and use joints. There are …
Correct way to apply supports for a ground bearing base slab
2015年4月21日 · What you need to define are horizontal supports (UX and UY) which you can define in nodes or in the thickness definition (as on the picture 2 you attached). For the latter …
Surface to Exclude all above specific elevation......
2014年5月13日 · I have my surface set to exclude everything above elevation 822. But when I turn on "Triangles & Points" for this surface, I'm seeing points above 822. Why would it do …
Solved: Extend surface to new boundary - Autodesk Community
2016年5月27日 · 4. Define surface boundary to new 100mm offset . Basically, the new boundary needs to be modified so that it follows the contours / elevations defined by the original surface. …