TRICKLE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of TRICKLE is to issue or fall in drops. How to use trickle in a sentence.
TRICKLE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
TRICKLE definition: 1. If liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line: 2. to arrive or…. Learn more.
Trickle - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
To trickle is to weakly flow out of something, like a faucet. A trickle is like a drip. There are a lot of ways water can flow, but one type of slow dripping is called trickling.
TRICKLE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
TRICKLE definition: to run or cause to run in thin or slow streams | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Trickle - definition of trickle by The Free Dictionary
To flow or fall in drops or in a thin stream. 2. To move or proceed slowly or bit by bit: The audience trickled in. To cause to trickle. n. 1. The act or condition of trickling. 2. A slow, small, …
TRICKLE Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
trickled, trickling. Tears trickled down her cheeks. The guests trickled out of the room. trickled, trickling. to cause to trickle. a trickling flow or stream. a trickle of visitors throughout the day.
Trickle Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
To move, come, go, etc. little by little. The crowd trickled away. To move or proceed slowly or bit by bit. The act of trickling. A slow, small flow. A very thin river. The brook had shrunk to a mere …