Dr. H.M. (Helen) Gubby
2021年3月30日 · Helen Gubby trained as a lawyer in England, where she was called to the Bar, and has worked as an advocate for a top Dutch law firm. She has a Ph.D. in law. She teaches business law, and patent law and strategy for managers in the RSM and English legal terminology in the Erasmus School of Law.
Helen Gubby - rsm.nl
Originally from the UK and also now naturalised Dutch, Dr Helen Gubby has won RSM’s Teacher of the Year Award for 11 consecutive years, and is not only a stellar lecturer but is also a member of the RSM Faculty Council and University Council. What is …
Helen Gubby - lecturer - Rotterdam School of Management, …
lecturer at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University · Helen Gubby trained as a lawyer in England, where she was called to the Bar, and has worked as an advocate for a Dutch law firm....
- 职位: lecturer at Rotterdam School of …
- 位置: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Helen GUBBY | Doctor of Law | Erasmus University Rotterdam, …
Helen Gubby As patents grant monopolies, the patent system has a considerable impact on markets. When corporations use certain patent strategies, social welfare can be damaged.
English Legal Terminology - 豆瓣读书
作者: Helen Gubby 出版社: Boom Juridische Uitgevers 副标题: Legal Concepts in Language (Boom Juridische Studieboeken) 出版年: 2008-01 页数: 268 定价: USD 44.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9789054549314
English Legal Terminology: Legal Concepts in Language …
2016年1月1日 · This book offers: * vocabularies providing sets of legal terminology associated with the legal system, civil procedure, EU law, tort, contract law and company law; * text putting the terms in the vocabulary into their legal context; * case discussion questions in order to practice using the terminology; * knowledge questions to ensure that the r...
English legal terminology : legal concepts in language : Gubby, Helen …
2024年2月23日 · Gubby, Helen. Publication date 2004 Topics Law -- Terminology, Law -- Language, Law -- Dictionaries Publisher Den Haag : Boom Juridische Uitgevers Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 619.0M . 263 p. ; 24 cm
Is the Patent System a Barrier to Inclusive Prosperity? The …
2019年9月6日 · Helen Gubby, Barrister, is a senior lecturer at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands. Her publications on patent law and patent strategies include Developing a Legal Paradigm for Patents (Eleven/Boom legal textbooks, 2012) and Universities Need to Teach Business Students about Patents: A Suggested Approach ...
Developing a legal paradigm for patents / Helen Gubby.
Developing a legal paradigm for patents / Helen Gubby. Imprint The Hague : Eleven International Publishing ; Portland, OR : Sold and distributed in USA and Canada, International Specialized Book Services, [2012]
English Legal Terminology: Legal Concepts in Language: Gubby, Helen …
2011年8月10日 · A command of legal English is not just a desirable academic skill - it has become an absolute 'must' for today's legal professionals working in internationally-orientated …
- 作者: Helen Gubby
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