  1. Copilot 答案
    ADR Limited Quantities allow certain dangerous goods to be transported under less stringent conditions due to their lower risk when shipped in small amounts.
    ADR Limited Quantities allow certain dangerous goods to be transported under less stringent conditions due to their lower risk when shipped in small amounts.
    Definition: The Limited Quantity (LQ) is a special regulation in dangerous goods legislation that allows the transportation of small quantities of dangerous goods under simplified regulations.
    boxlab-services.com/en/limited-quantities-lq-in-the …
    Dangerous goods are assigned an LQ “maximum quantity per inner packaging” (Column 7a of Table A in ADR). For some substances, this figure is 0, and in these cases there is no LQ exemption.
    Der „Versand in begrenzten Mengen (LQ)“ meint den erleichterten Transport von Gefahrgut bei Nichtüberschreitung von bestimmten Mengen je Innenverpackung und Versandstück.