False Super Saiyan | Dragon Ball Updates Wiki | Fandom
False Super Saiyan (疑似超サイヤ人, Giji Sūpā Saiya-jin) is a Saiyan transformation that Goku takes during his battle against Lord Slug in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. In the anime Daizenshuu, this form was originally labeled as the true Super Saiyan form, but later re-labeled as Giji or "False" Super Saiyan after the actual Super Saiyan form was introduced in …
False Super Saiyan (FSSJ) - Dragon Ball Final Remastered Wiki
False Super Saiyan (疑似超サイヤ人, 'Giji Sūpā Saiya-jin')-Saiyan Transformation, is a form that was used by Goku during his battle with Lord Slug in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. This is the first Saiyan transformation in the game, and is usable for both Good and Evil Lineage Saiyans. The user's hair color becomes brown, their eyes white out and glow, and gain a golden aura ...
False SSJ | Dragon Ball Legendary Forces Wiki | Fandom
False Super Saiyan (FSSJ) is a form in Dragon Ball Legendary Forces. In this form, the player gets a dark yellow aura, as well as dark yellow hair. The color change can affect certain head accessories. The player also receives a dark yellow outline. 2,500,000 (2.5M) Base Power Level Power Multiplier - 30x 100% Mastery - 39x Low Requirements High Ki Drain This form is one of the easiest to ...
Transformations | Dragon Ball Final Remastered Wiki | Fandom
There are quite a bit of transformations in this game Saiyan race forms: FSSJ,SSJ,SSJ2,SSJ3,SSJ4,SSJGOD,SSJRAGE,SSJBLUE,SSJROSE,SSJBE,SSJRE Namekian race forms: SUPER NAMEKIAN,GOD NAMEKIAN Frieza race forms: SECOND FORM,THIRD FORM,FINAL FORM,FIFTH FORM,GOLDEN FORM Human race forms: FULL POWER,BUFF MODE,NO EGO ZONE,AWAKENED MORTAL Also, there is mystic, a form that all races can …
Multipliers and Power Levels - Dragon Ball Wiki
2014年3月18日 · Multipliers: [] Great Ape = 10x base; False Super Saiyan = 35x base; Super Saiyan = 50x base; Ascended Super Saiyan = 75x base; Ultra Super Saiyan = 225x base
False Super Saiyan | Wiki | DragonBallZ Amino - Amino Apps
2016年5月26日 · The FSSJ form also has the user's body developing an orange tint to it . Xenoverse Mod Created by Melpontro. Power Multipliers. Throughout all these years, the true multiplier for this form has never been confirmed. Despite this, many fans seem to agree that it lies within the 25x to 35x power boosting range.
Forms | Dragon Ball Legendary Forces Wiki | Fandom
In Dragon Ball Legendary Forces, Forms serve as a means of increasing stats and stat gain as the player progresses. These forms are either skill-locked, which means that certain skill levels or other requirements must be met to achieve them, or quest-locked, requiring a quest or ritual to be completed first. For instance, the Limit Breaker SSJ4 transformation requires roughly 80 …
FSSJ Form : r/dbz - Reddit
2017年4月13日 · FSSJ Form . Misc I have read a lot of comments on internet saying FSSJ is just a mastered version of SSJ, and it doesn't mean is any stronger than USSJ or ASSJ. But i don't see how is that even possible, i always thought this form is …
False Super Saiyan - Unofficial Dragon Ball Ultimate Roblox Wiki
FSSJ, or False Super Saiyan, is the 2nd unlockable form in Dragon Blox Ultimate. Its name is written in acronym to avoid copyright. Also called Pseudo Super Saiyan, this form is taken from the film Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, where it is briefly used by Goku against the titular villain. It would later go on to make cameo appearances in certain …