PZO Fluorescence KFL Darkfield KFF2 Phase Contrast PHA ... - eBay
This is a complete set for incident light fluorescence for PZO Biolar microscope Monocular for Biolar. KFF2 fluorescence phase contrast condenser. KFL condenser for Darkfield Fluorescence.
Laboratorium :: KF·KFA·KFP·KFS·KFZ Phase-Contrast Equipment, PZO …
Special attention merits the phase device KFZ with variable contrast. It enables observation both in positive contrast of the Zernike type and in negative contrast KFA, and also provides the possibility of quick and smooth transit from one to the other.
南京师范大学,重磅Science! - 哔哩哔哩
使用原型afe pbzro3(pzo)作为模型系统,证明了电场驱动的afe-fe相变具有高λ的潜力,afe和fe结构之间存在很大差异。 通过仔细控制薄膜厚度和取向,实现了原胞中原子数(n)的四倍调制,并观察到室温下热导率的2.2倍切换。
Electric field-induced phase transition and energy storage …
2018年12月1日 · Thin PbZrO 3 (PZO) antiferroelectric films with (001)-preferred orientation were deposited on SrRuO 3 /Ca 2 Nb 3 O 10-nanosheet/Si substrates using pulsed laser deposition. Variation of the deposition temperature was found to play a key role in the control of the microstructure and strongly influence the energy storage performance of the thin film.
《Microstructures》超薄反铁电 PbZrO3 薄膜中铁电和铁电相的共 …
2024年10月22日 · 近日,澳大利亚悉尼大学,加泰罗尼亚纳米科学和纳米技术研究所的刘颖博士后制备了一个厚度范围从5到80 nm,厚度梯度为7.5 nm/mm的PZO薄膜。 不同厚度梯度的PZO薄膜进行研究,80 nm厚的PZO薄膜具有两个反铁电峰,显示出反铁电结构特征,而5 nm厚的PZO薄膜 …
2025 Overland Park Banquet - Kansans For Life - kfl.org
Spend the evening with KFL as we expand the vision of what’s possible for the pro-life movement and prepare for combat against the abortion industry’s next moves to bring no-limits abortion to our state.
Mikroskopy fluorescencyjne - PZO
Mikroskopy PZO to rozwiązania na miarę XXI wieku, spełniające najwyższe standardy. Posiadają one modułową konstrukcję. Ich niewątpliwą zaletą jest różnorodność technik obserwacji w świetle przechodzącym i odbitym. Komfort obserwacji podnosi także doskonała rozdzielczość oraz …
Antiferroelectric domain modulation enhancing energy storage ...
Antiferroelectric materials represented by PbZrO 3 (PZO) have excellent energy storage performance and are expected to be candidates for dielectric capacitors. It remains a challenge to further enhance the effective energy storage density and efficiency of PZO-based antiferroelectric films through domain engineering.
PZO Mikroskop Microscope Kondensor KFL für Dia Fluorescent …
Gut äußere Zustand (Optik - sehr gut). Sehr selten.
PZO Fluorescence KFL Darkfield KFF2 Phase Contrast PHA ... - eBay
Las mejores ofertas para PZO Fluorescence KFL Darkfield KFF2 Phase Contrast PHA Microscope ZM7 UG1 Biolar están en eBay Compara precios y características de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artículos con envío gratis!