Geçiş İhlal Sorgulama - KGM
İhlalli (ödemesiz) geçişinize ilişkin borcunuzu 15 (on beş) gün içerisinde cezasız olarak ödemek için yeterli bakiyeye sahip bir HGS Etiketi alabilir, mevcut HGS Hesabınıza yeterli bakiye …
Turkey HGS, OGS, Highways, Bridges and Electronic Toll System
To pay your car and truck toll in Turkey, you must have either an HGS tag or OGS On-board unit (OBU) [1]. Tolls are automatically deducted and paid online when you pass through a toll plaza …
The vehicles with foreign licence plates must register to OGS or HGS before using the tollways and must have sufficient credit in the account for pass. Turkish Custom Authorities will not …
Yabancı plakalı araçların geçiş anında OGS veya HGS abonesi olması ve OGS veya HGS hesabında en az geçiş ücretini karşılayacak kadar bakiyesinin bulunması gerekmektedir. …
Fast-Pass System (HGS) has been activated by PTT General Directorate on 17.09.2012, at the toll stations on Izmir-Aydın Motorway, Izmir-Çeşme Motorway, Bosphorus Bridges, European …
HGS (electronic toll collection) - Wikipedia
HGS (Hızlı Geçiş Sistemi; English: Fast Pass System) is an electronic toll collection system of radio-frequency identification (RFID) transponder type available on toll roads and toll bridges …
【土耳其自驾圈】HGS和OGS的区别? - 租租车 - zuzuChe.com
【土耳其自驾圈】请问 OGS和HGS到底哪个是充值的 哪个是预付 …
中国内地热线:1010-1020. 都不用充值,你取车的时候问车行,能否走HGS的那个通道,应该土国的车都有这个通道的卡,直接通过,还车时信用卡直接扣费。 © 2011-2025 zuzuche.com. …
土耳其自驾高速费和过桥费 - 穷游问答 - qyer.com
ogs/hgs,基本每个租车公司的车上都有etc卡,取车时问车上配的是哪个卡,走哪个标示的通道即可。 OGS/HGS是按实际费用收的,环 土耳其 西部三千多公里就扣了十几里拉貌似。
【土耳其自驾圈】据说土耳其收过路费有HGS和OGS两种方式。谁 …
据说土耳其收过路费有HGS和OGS两种方式。 谁能介释一下两者的区别? 是这样,土耳其高速和我们一样收费口,就是人家没有闸杆子和完全开放,在这个位置前一公里和500米处路边有两 …