谷氨酸、γ-氨基丁酸在偏头痛模型PAG和TNC中的变化 - 道客巴巴
最后,从脑组织中分离出PAG与TNC,进行离体磁共振波谱扫描。结果 PAG内的cGABA(Coefficient=0.261)、cGlu(Coefficient=0.146)、rGluCoefficient=0.040)均高于RTNC(Coefficient=0),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。模型组PAG内的rGlu(0.57±0.05)较对照组(0.65±0.07)减少(P=0.031)。
A study on the correlation of the asymmetric regulation between …
2023年3月20日 · There is correlation between PAG, LTNC and RTNC in regulation of pain during acute migraine attack, and the regulation of LTNC and RTNC on pain is asymmetric.
雄性偏头痛大鼠导水管周围灰质与双侧三叉神经尾核不对称调节相 …
A study on the correlation of the asymmetric regulation between …
2023年3月20日 · The current study was designed to explore the correlation of the asymmetric regulation between the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and the bilateral trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) in migraine rats through the changes of metabolites and neurotransmitters of PAG and TNC in the pain regulatory pathway of acute migraine attack.
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作为痛觉往上传播的第一个调控中心,pag的脑啡肽神经元可以抑制痛感。 所以,PAG也是慢性痛临床治疗的一个刺激位点。 此外,PAG在防御行为、雌性交配行为和母性行为中也有着极其关键的作用。
PACAP6-38 通过调节慢性偏头痛雄性大鼠模型中三叉神经尾核的突 …
结果表明,在重复注射 ntg 后,pacap 和 pac1r 的表达在 tnc 中显着升高。 此外,PACAP6-38 治疗减轻了伤害性敏感性,抑制了 NTG 诱导的 CM 大鼠 TNC 中 c-Fos 和突触相关蛋白的过度表达,恢复了异常的突触结构。
Trigeminal antinociception induced by bicuculline in the …
2003年1月16日 · Functional projection between the region of PAG microinjection and the recorded trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) neuron was established by search injection of the GABA A antagonist, bicuculline, into the vlPAG, where inhibition of evoked TNC activity after bicuculline injection was considered a functional connection.
2022年1月13日 · tnc和pag是偏头痛的重要疼痛结构。本研究模型组pag的glu较对照组减少,而gaba无明显变化,因此重点围绕glu进行讨论。 pag是疼痛调节的关键结构[6],主要负责疼痛感知的下行调节[7]。pag-中缝大核回路是偏头痛主要的下行疼痛调节通路。
•170•浙江临床医学01年1月第3卷第1期•论著•谷氨酸、y-氛基丁酸在偏头痛模型pag和tnc中的变化张先元张路平陈强严民力周会霞曹志坚章正祥*【摘要】目的探讨偏头痛模型中脑导水管周围灰质(pag和三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核(tnc中的glu、gaba含量变化。方法30只sd雄性大鼠随机分为对照组、模型组和 ...
Migraine and peripheral pain models show differential alterations …
Results: In the NTG model, we previously showed decreased neuronal complexity in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) and periaqueductal gray (PAG). In contrast, we found increased neuronal complexity in the thalamus and no change in the amygdala or caudate putamen in this study.