Multipacting studies in elliptic SRF cavities - ScienceDirect
2017年9月21日 · Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities are used for accelerating charged particles in high energy, high power accelerators. SRF cavities provide very high accelerating gradient (E a c c) in continuous wave (CW) mode with smaller heat loss and are therefore preferred to normal conducting cavities for high average power operation ...
上海交大金贤敏课题组研发混合架构光子芯片实现高效强化学习_交 …
2024年2月22日 · 基于高效的SRF-RL,研究团队成功在3472维状态空间内完成了钙钛矿材料合成任务,并使算法效率提升了56%。值得注意的是,高度可扩展的HyArch PIC在计算性能方面展现出了超越现有电子计算架构的巨大潜力,为推动下一代强化学习的发展做出了显著贡献。
PIC and Hybrid Simulations of SRF Cavity Plasmas using VSim
Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities are utilized for acceleration in particle accelerators, but impurities on the surface of the cavity can cause arcing and therefore lower the maximum obtainable fields inside the cavity. Plasmas can be used to remove these impurities, but their formation and behavior is not well understood.
Large SRF Linacs and HEP experiments require accurate frequency control, which is achieved using cavity tuners typically actuated by the piezoelectric ceramic stacks.
An optimized neural network-honey badger based control …
2025年1月15日 · An HBOA-optimized ANN controller is introduced to generate efficient reference signals for the five-level reduced switch converters of the UPQC, eliminating the need for conventional SRF and p-q theories and determining filter parameters for …
APTOS2021——预测糖尿病黄斑病变 (DM) 患者的抗 VEGF 治疗结 …
2024年1月15日 · Anti-VEGF抗血管内皮生长因子 (简称Anti-VEGF)治疗是一组可减少新生血管生长或肿胀的药物。 Anti-VEGF药物可用于治疗若干导致眼后视网膜黄斑区下新生血管生长或肿胀的眼部疾病。 但是,有大量患者对这种疗法无反应或反应不充分。 据不同研究报告,尽管每月接受Anti-VEGF注射治疗,仍有 10% 到 50% 不等的患者无反应或反应不充分。 假如能在治疗前就确定无反应患者,并为其定制个性化治疗计划,这种状况就可以大为改观。 在APTOS2021比赛 …
balance, a unique fuzzy-based proportional integral controller (PIC) was created for the maximum power tracking technique (Yang et al., 2019). In addition, an innovative hybrid-enhanced method for the shunt active power filter (SHAPF) connected with the arti ficial neural network (ANN) technology was introduced to minimize current
SRF05 | PIC16F18875 - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2018年11月29日 · I´m doing a project for my electronics class. I´m trying to calculate a distance using a SRF- 05 Ultrasonic Sensor; but the result in the display is 0 . I´m using a Curiosity HPC Development Board w/ PIC16F18875. xc8 code. I need your help! Thanks in advance!
Ultrasonic SRF05 with PIC 16F877a or similar - Forum for …
2012年4月8日 · Does any have C code for PIC 16F877a with the SRF05 module that has a pulse output proportional in duration to the range distance. I suspect this uses the...
interfacing pic16f877 with srf04 - Forum for Electronics
2006年11月9日 · i want to make a project in which PIC 16F877 controls the 4 vibration motor's vibration with the help of ultrasonic range finder SRF04 , the program should be design in such a way that the vibration becomes high wen any object come closer to the SRF04 , means vibration should be inversely proportional to the distance between the object and ...
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