M-84 - Tank Encyclopedia
The SUV-M-84 was an effective fire-control system for its time. Once all the bugs were ironed out, the FCS showed impressive accuracy during domestic tests and trials conducted in foreign countries. In a comprehensive evaluation conducted alongside a T-72M tank, the M-84 was judged to be two to three times more precise than its Soviet counterpart.
M-84主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m-84,是南斯拉夫的第三代主戰坦克,為蘇聯t-72主战坦克的改進型,裝備南斯拉夫人民軍。 在m-84生產出來之前,蘇聯提供了50輛t-72m給南斯拉夫作訓練用。
南捷卡中坚:南斯拉夫M-84/M-91坦克及其发展 - 知乎
该型号使用SUV-M-84 型电子计算器辅助火控系统,包含DNNS-2 型 炮手昼夜稳定瞄准镜、车长DNKS-2型昼夜潜望周视瞄准镜和激光测距仪。 以及更新了更先进的的FM/UHF100跳/秒的抗干扰调频电台。 到1991年截止,大约有150辆M-84AB型完成了组装被送往科威特,虽然整个订单是签署了215辆(包含170辆 M-84AB型、15辆 M-84ABI 坦克维修车改型、15辆M-84ABK 指挥型)整个订单价值5亿美元。 此批之中,不清楚数量的M-84AB型加装了德国Teldix公司的地面导航系 …
M-84 - Wikipedia
The M-84 is a Yugoslav main battle tank based on the Soviet T-72. It is still in service with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Kuwait.
M-84 MBT - Army Recognition
2024年11月19日 · The M-84 is a Yugoslav variant of the Soviet-made T-72 Main Battle Tank (MBT) produced under license in Yugoslavia. The production of the tank began in 1983 and it entered into service in 1984. Currently, the M-84 is in service with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kuwait, Serbia, and Slovenia.
2025年2月27日 · M-84坦克的主要特点是配备了自动化火控系统SUV-M84,这大大提高了射击的准确性和有效射程,缩短了第一发和后续发射的准备时间,提高了炮手操作的便利性。 该系统包括了多通道的DNNS-2瞄准镜,具有独立的视场稳定功能,可以在两个方向上进行稳定;此外,还配备了带有传感器的弹道计算机,改进了武器稳定系统。 其外部特征之一是在炮塔前方安装了气象传感器SUO。 早期生产的坦克使用了A20X(MB)类型的传感器,安装在可折叠的支架上。 此 …
2020年6月10日 · M-84是苏联T-72的南斯拉夫本土生产型号,是庞大T-72家族的一员,与其他在东欧生产的T-72不同,因为政治原因其一开始就立足本地化生产,与原版T-72具有较大的不同,性能甚至超过了原版。 本地化的M-84的设计工作从1979年至1983年,1982年至1983年生产了初始原型,1984年开始加入南斯拉夫人民军服役,成为了南陆军的中流砥柱。 青出于蓝胜于蓝的M-84. M-84完整保留了T-72的2A46 125毫米滑膛炮火、焊接炮塔、车体和变速箱等主要机构,但是通 …
M-84戦車 - さくらのレンタルサーバ
M-84 and M-84AB in Kuwaiti Service - Tank Encyclopedia
2024年7月6日 · The resulting new Kuwaiti variant of the M-84 was designated as the M-84AB, accompanied by two subvariants: the M-84ABK command tank and the M-84ABN navigational tank. Occasionally, to distinguish the standard Kuwaiti model from these subvariants, the tank is referred to as the M-84ABL (“Line” Tank), although this is not an official ...
Kuwait transferred 150 M-84AB tanks to Croatia for repair and …
2024年1月31日 · Roughly 150 M-84ABs of an original 215 ordered (170 M-84ABs, 15 M-84ABI ARVs and 15 command M-84ABK) were sold to Kuwait by the end of 1991 for $500 million. The Đuro Đaković (Djuro Djaković) holding, which during Yugoslav times produced licensed copies of Soviet tanks, will modernize M-84AB tanks before sending them to Ukraine.
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