Next generation Pollution Impact Potential maps launched
2021年4月29日 · Pollutant Impact Potential (PIP) maps for Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) have been generated to show the highest risk areas in the landscape for losses of N and P to waters. These maps, including flow paths and delivery points, do not indicate specific areas that have a problem, and they are not designed or suitable to be used on their own as ...
googlemaps · PyPI
2023年1月26日 · This library brings the Google Maps Platform Web Services to your Python application. The Python Client for Google Maps Services is a Python Client library for the following Google Maps APIs: Directions API
Water Quality and Agriculture: Pollution Impact Potential Maps …
2016年8月19日 · To help reduce the amount of investigative assessments required and therefore the time and resources needed, a Catchment Characterisation Tool has been developed to produce Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps that show the potential critical source areas for agricultural diffuse nutrients in our water bodies and subcatchments.
How to use PIP maps? - YouTube
2021年10月19日 · Jenny Deakin, Manager of the Catchment Science and Management Unit in the EPA gives a step-by-step tutorial on how to access the PIP maps online, search for your location and identify pressure...
arcgis - PyPI
2024年10月1日 · Work with maps and geospatial data in Python using The ArcGIS API for Python. Use simple and efficient tools powered by Web GIS, for sophisticated vector and raster analysis, geocoding, map making, routing and directions.
cnmaps - PyPI
2022年2月12日 · 安装 cnmaps 需要满足 Python 的解释器在 3.9 版本及以上。 cnmaps 最简单也最快的安装方法是使用 pip 来安装 cnmaps: $ pip install -U cnmaps. 你也可以使用 conda 安装: $ conda install -c conda-forge cnmaps. 用最简单直接的方式,来绘制你的第一张中国地图。 cnmaps还可以绘制各省(特区/直辖市)的地图. cnmaps可以绘制市级的行政区地图。 cnmaps可以绘制区县级的行政区地图。 针对本项目更多的使用方法,我们还有一份更详细的文档: …
Python pip 安装与使用 - 菜鸟教程
pip 是 Python 包管理工具,该工具提供了对Python 包的查找、下载、安装、卸载的功能。 目前如果你在 python.org 下载最新版本的安装包,则是已经自带了该工具。 注意:Python 2.7.9 + 或 Python 3.4+ 以上版本都自带 pip 工具。 $ sudo python3 get-pip.py # 运行安装脚本。 一般情况 pip 对应的是 Python 2.7,pip3 对应的是 Python 3.x。 比如我要安装 Django。 用以下的一条命令就可以,方便快捷。 升级指定的包,通过使用==, >=, <=, >, < 来指定一个版本号。 pip 是 Python …
Python Client for Google Maps Services - GitHub
Each Google Maps Web Service request requires an API key or client ID. API keys are generated in the 'Credentials' page of the 'APIs & Services' tab of Google Cloud console. For even more information on getting started with Google Maps Platform and generating/restricting an API key, see Get Started with Google Maps Platform in our docs.
Pip Docs - geomapindex.com
GeoMapIndex is your go-to platform for comprehensive geospatial data and mapping solutions. Discover powerful tools for analyzing and visualizing geographic information. Join today for seamless access to maps, spatial data, and expert insights.
Agriculture and Food Development Authority - Teagasc
Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) Maps. Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps have been developed by the EPA to help focus on the areas and sources that might be impacting water quality. . The maps help identify diffuse phosphorus (P) and diffuse nitrogen (N) losses.