Retrieval of microphysical properties of snow using spectral dual ...
To overcome this problem, synergetic use of multiple sensors is employed. This paper focusses on the retrieval of the cloud liquid water content by means of spaceborne radar and lidar measurements. The combination of radar reflectivity and lidar optical extinction is used to classify clouds according to their drizzle fraction.
Retrieval of IWC inside mixed-phase clouds using dual polarization ...
A new technique is under development in the University of Delft for remotely determining IWC inside mixed-phase clouds from measurements taken by the S band Doppler Polarimetric radar TARA and combining it with a microphysical model (appendix D: Spek et al., 2005).
Christine Unal - Google Scholar
TU Delft - Cited by 1,124
Retrieval of microphysical properties of snow using spectral dual ...
Abstract Knowledge of water clouds is essential for climate studies. To understand present global climate and predicat climate changes, global observations of cloud microphysical properties are needed and space-based systems must be considered. Retrieval of cloud parameters from space challenges current tedchnological possibilities; not just …
A new technique to categorize and retrieve the microphysical …
A new technique to categorize and retrieve the microphysical properties of ice particles above the melting layer using radar dual-polarization spectral analysis
Download - by Alexander Kojevnikov - Spek
Download 0.8.5 is the latest version. Installers for Windows and macOS are currently in beta, create a GitHub issue if you see any problems.0.8.5 is the latest version.
Herman Russchenberg - Google Scholar
Ground-based remote sensing of precipitation using a multi-polarized FM-CW Doppler radar. Cloud effective particle size and water content profile retrievals using combined lidar and radar...
A new technique to categorize and retrieve the microphysical …
Abstract In this study, a dual-polarization spectral analysis for retrieval of microphysical properties of ice hydrometeors is developed. It is shown that, by using simultaneous Doppler polarimetric observations taken at a 45° elevation angle, it is possible to discriminate between different types of ice particles. Particle size distribution parameters for maximally two dominating types of ...
深圳市龙晶微半导体有限公司 - 百度百科
深圳市龙晶微半导体有限公司是一家专业制造半导体IC及分立器件的高科技企业。 公司成立于1999年,拥有自主品牌“ALJ”二、三极管、三端稳压IC,单、双向可控硅及场效应管等·生产品种有:SOT-23、SOT-123、SOT-323、SOT-89、SOT-223、TO-92S、TO-92、TO-92L、TO-126、TO-220、TO-220F、TO-251、TO-252…等多种外形封装IC产品及分离器件,产品被广泛应用于通讯电脑家用电器、玩具、电子节能灯、数码技术产品等多个领域,厂房面积10000 平方米, …
Prof. dr. A.L. (Ton) Spek - Utrecht University
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