Ayukalp Uap Pharma - Manufacturer of Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayukalp Uap Pharma is one of the oldest manufacturers of Ayurvedic Medicines in India with high-quality herbal products. Discover our Classical and Patented Ayurvedic Products, a blend of time-honored wisdom with modern research.
About Us - Ayukalp Pharma
At Ayukalp UAP Pharma Pvt. Ltd., we are committed to promoting long life and healthy living through our high-quality Ayurvedic medications. Developed under stringent quality control measures in the most hygienic conditions, our products blend modern scientific tools with extensively researched Ayurvedic traditions.
Global Presence - Ayukalp Pharma
Ayukalp, an GMP and ISO 9001 certified Company, takes pride in having a legacy of more than 20 years in the field of researching Ayurvedic medicines, undertaking extensive studies to improve the efficacy of medicines and reaching out to patients all over the world.
Ayukalp Uap Pharma Private Limited | Company Details - The …
2024年10月23日 · Ayukalp Uap Pharma Private Limited (AUPPL) is a leading Private Limited Indian Non-Government Company incorporated in India on 11 May 1999 and has a history of 25 years and nine months. Its registered office is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Products - Ayukalp UAP Pharma
Ayukalp Ayukalp UAP Pharma * Subject * Message: Use English only Max. 2000 characters. (Min. 20) Send. EC21.com does not guarantee the validity of product information or the credentials of sellers. Categories Products. About; Contact; Storefront Sitemap; Share : Facebook. Twitter. Linkedin.
Ayukalp UAP Pharma Pvt. Ltd - About Us - IndiaMART
The present Company—Ayukalp is restructured to give the manufacturing facilities a scientific edge and to make the potency of the medicines and tonics longer lasting. At present the Company manufactures over 400 types of classical herbal and herbo-mineral medicines and 40 Patent Formulations that address today's common as well as complex ...
Ayukalp UAP Pharma Pvt Ltd Products List - 1mg
Get a list of all medicines and other products manufactured by Ayukalp UAP Pharma Pvt Ltd. 1mg.com helps its user by providing a complete list of product manufacture by Ayukalp UAP Pharma Pvt Ltd
AYUKALP Cytocruel AT - Benefits, Ingredients, Uses & Dosage
2023年7月14日 · Cytocruel AT is manufactured by AYUKALP which is helpful in treating various benign, malignant and all degenerative conditions. It is an excellent combination of antineoplastic and anti-inflammatory properties. In ayurveda, it is commonly due to an imbalance of tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).
Ayukalp UAP Pharma Pvt Ltd Information - RocketReach
Ayukalp UAP Pvt Ltd is an esteemed herbal pharmaceutical enterprise renowned for its deep-rooted Ayurvedic heritage in India. Having garnered esteemed recognition from both healthcare professionals and consumers alike through a diverse portfolio of premium products.
Livodin Tablet - Ayukalp Pharma - ayukalpuappharma.com
Livodin tablet is a powerful remedy made from the finest rejuvenating herbal extracts. It re-stimulates the liver into producing more bile and revives dead cells. Livodin tablet is the excellent combination of hepato spleno stimulant, hepato protective, and …