HiViz Shooting Systems Sights and Accessories For Sale - GunMag …
Founded in 1996, HiVis Shooting Systems is the premier provider of fiber-optic sights for competitive shotgunners, home-defense pistol shooters, and tactical shooters alike. All HIVIZ® sights are built to rigid standards using only the highest quality materials, then rigorously tested to ensure they’ll withstand the test of time.
HiViz Birdbuster Magnetic Shotgun Sight - Model BB2005 - Cabela's
Flexible design of the HiViz® Birdbuster Magnetic Shotgun Sight allows you to put this high visibility shotgun sight on virtually any vent-ribbed shotgun. Three separate size frames fit …
Hi-Viz LiteWave H3 Set for HK 45C/P30/VP9/VP40/VP9SK/45/P30L …
LiteWave H3 sight combines Tritium with the HIVIZ Litepipe technology for 24 illumination. Now you can have the advantage of day and night performance all in one sight system. All steel construction sight sets are rugged and durable, designed for the roughest use, whether it is personal defense and protection, Law Enforcement or Military.
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Hó – Wikipédia
A hó 0 °C alatt képződött csapadék, amely vízpárát tartalmazó levegő további lehűlésével jön létre, amikor a képződött jégrészecskékre kristályosan további jégrészecskék fagynak, és hókristállyá egyesülnek. Mivel a hó kis összetevőkből áll, ezért granuláris anyagnak tekinthető. Laza, puha, könnyű szerkezetű, amíg külső nyomás nem éri.
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Ki-Kô-Hô Translation - Kanzenshuu
2009年3月1日 · What is the English translation of the Ki-Kô-Hô? Viz has it noted as "Ki Cannon", which would sort of make sense if not for the "Kô", which seems to be have left untranslated. In video games, it's translated as "Ki Blast Cannon". So, would that be it?
VIZ | The Official Website for Hot Gimmick
Inspired by Miki Aihara's ultra-popular shojo manga series Hot Gimmick, Hot Gimmick S manages a host of outlandish twists and turns that even the original manga couldn't do! Plus, a bonus chapter from Hot Gimmick that's all about Hatsumi and Shinogu.
Equestrian Hi-Viz | Hi-Viz Horsewear - Harry Hall
Hi Viz for Horse and Rider. Remain safe and visible when out and about with your horse. Hi visibility and reflective equestrian products help keep riders and their horses seen on the road and in dark, low light or foggy conditions. Why should horse riders wear hi visibility clothing?
Hi-viz - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
1. noun Clothing, especially a vest or jacket, made from highly reflective materials or containing bright, vivid colors. A variant of "hi (gh) vis," itself a shortening of "high visibility (clothing)." Sometimes hyphenated. Primarily heard in UK, Ireland.
Correct usage of "viz."? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年10月13日 · viz. is Latin for videlicet, and it means "namely." It is really a sub-type of i.e. where you are rephrasing something, but the manner of rephrasing is to list items by name; "We accept all major credit cards; viz., Visa and MasterCard." The difference between i.e. and viz. is not particularly subtle, but still confused. Both are rephrasing.