TPI.tv videos / TPI TV
TPI.tv is the information portal for the Transition Programme for Innovations without the use of animals (TPI), promoting animal-free science through video.
Introducing TPI.tv : a video platform by experts striving to improve science through animal-free innovations and research. 01:264 years ago. Expert interviews. HealthEducation. Daniela Salvatori, TPI Utrecht: We aim for better science with less animals.
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View archived episodes of Golf Fitness Academy and recent TPI LIVE question & answer discussions with TPI Co-Founders Dr. Greg Rose and Dave Phillips. Opt in to receive TPI eNews emails & agree to TPI's Privacy Notice. Watch a collection of TPI's favorite Golf Fitness Academy episodes as seen on The Golf Channel.
About TPI.tv / TPI TV
TPI.tv contains over 100 videos covering a wide array of innovations, experts views, questions, projects and initiatives, and meetings and conferences. While the videos provide an accessible way to get introduced to a topic, each video contains a wealth of information behind it through links to publications, protocols, websites and more.
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This Privacy Policy applies to the online services of TPItv. This policy describes what user information is stored, processed and viewed based on the use of the online services of TPItv. TPItv strives to handle personal information with the utmost care.