NAS Innovation and Emerging Concepts - Federal Aviation Administration
2024年12月5日 · The NIEC is the FAA's research platform to explore, integrate, and evaluate NextGen concepts through simulations resulting in concept maturation and requirements definition. The NIEC complements the unique NAS facilities and aviation-based equipment located at the WJHTC.
The NIEC is the FAA’s research platform to explore, integrate, and evaluate NextGen concepts through simulation activities resulting in concept maturation and requirements definition.
NextGen Integration & Evaluation Capability - Projects
The NIEC setup the integration and testing environment to demonstrate the integration of the UTM with National Airspace Systems (NAS) using the Federal Cloud Service. The NIEC used the FAA's DevOps toolchain (bitbucket, jenkins, and artifcatory) along with ansible scripts to build and deploy UPP for the demonstration. UPP Demonstration TBD 2019
Laboratory Capabilities - Federal Aviation Administration
2024年6月14日 · The NextGen Integration & Evaluation Capability (NIEC) Functional Block Diagram, represented in the graphic below shows the building blocks of the NIEC. The light blue area shows the NIEC's core capabilities.
NIEC | NAS Innovation and Emerging Concepts
The NIEC provides a real-time, emulated NAS environment that allows for concept development and validation, integration, and operations analysis capabilities through Human-in-the Loop simulation testing and data analysis.
NIEC Virtual Tour - labcapabilities.npn.faa.gov
These stations provide a centralized location for conducting human-in-the-loop studies, offering views from the tower and cockpit simulator, and facilitating various tasks within the laboratory …
NAS Storyboard - Federal Aviation Administration
Learn about the future vision of TBO in the NAS, and about the TBO Integrated Test Environment's activities at the FAA Technical Center
2011年10月26日 · DESIREE is an in-house code-based system that provides the simulated air traffic and emulates the Graphical User Interface used in most air traffic control systems, facilitating a realistic environment for projects.
Dissecting NextGen: a look inside the FAA’s NIEC
2011年4月25日 · Located at the agency's William J Hughes technical centre at Atlantic City international airport, the NIEC is government and industry's one-stop shopping choice to test anything from new warning...
FAA lab to explore unmanned aircraft impact, new navigation …
2010年6月8日 · The FAA says researchers using the NIEC will explore, integrate and evaluate NextGen concepts, including area navigation (RNAV), trajectory-based operations and flying unmanned aircraft systems...