P.S. 52
P.S. 52 is located in Staten Island, NY.
P.S. 052 John C. Thompson - New York City Public Schools
P.S. 052 John C. Thompson is a NYC District school located at 450 Buel Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305. It serves Grades: PK,0K,01,02,03,04,05,SE.
PS 52 Sheepshead Bay School
The mission of PS 52 is to foster independent learning for all of our students by recognizing and celebrating their differences. As independent life-long learners we will excel academically through differentiated instruction while maintaining academic rigor to support individual needs and maximize student potential.
P.S. 052 Sheepshead Bay - New York City Public Schools
P.S. 052 Sheepshead Bay is a NYC District school located at 2675 East 29 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235. It serves Grades: PK,0K,01,02,03,04,05,SE.
P.S. 052 Queens - New York City Public Schools
P.S. 052 Queens is a NYC District school located at 178-37 146 Terrace, Queens, NY 11434. It serves Grades: PK,0K,01,02,03,04,05,SE.
Home Page - P.S. 52 The Magnet School for Innovation, …
🥫🍎🥕 The PS 52 Cares Food Pantry will be open today for those in need of free food. No sign up needed! Check out what's happening at P.S. 52 with our weekly newsletter. Get real time school updates on your mobile device with eChalk Notify .
Staff Directory | P.S. 52 Sheepshead Bay School
PS 52 Sheepshead Bay School is located in Brooklyn, NY.
About Us – About Us – P.S. 52
Our vision is to ensure that all students receive a rigorous, high-quality education in a safe and respectful environment that celebrates diversity, fosters lifelong learners and student’s unique perspective. School Mission.
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Our Mission – About Us – P.S. 52 Sheepshead Bay School
The mission of P.S.52 is to foster independent learning for all of our students by recognizing and celebrating their differences. As independent life-long learners we will excel academically through differentiated instruction while maintaining academic rigor to support individual needs and maximize student potential.