设计电路实现vo=4v1-5v2,要求r=100 - 百度知道
a.R1,R2, and R to give vo=5v2-20v1 ?b.v2 source?
2 天之前 · Question: a.R1,R2, and R to give vo=5v2-20v1 ?b.v2 source? If so, what are your changes? If not, what is the problem?c.vo=20v2-5v1. This iswithout the current restriction of 1 mA in b
Solved 2.7 Design an inverting op-amp circuit to form the - Chegg
Question: 2.7 Design an inverting op-amp circuit to form the weighted sum v0 of two inputs v1 and v2. It is required that vo=−(v1+5v2). Choose values for R1,R2, and Rf so that for a maximum output voltage of 10 V the current in the feedback resistor will not exceed 1 mA.
Solved 4.26 If R2=4kΩ, select values for RS1,RS2, and R1 in - Chegg
There are 2 steps to solve this one. From... 4.26 If R2 =4kΩ, select values for RS1,RS2, and R1 in the circuit of Fig. 4-15 so that v0 =3v1+5v2. v1 →G1 =(R2R1+R2)(RS1+Rs2RS2) v2 →G1 = (R2R1+R2)(RS1+RS2Rs1) vo = G1v1 +G2v2 Figure 4-15: Noninverting summer. Not the question you’re looking for? Post any question and get expert help quickly.
充电宝上的5V 2.1A 和 5V 1A 啥意思? - 百度知道
2013年12月24日 · 5V2.1A表示快充,5V 1A充电稍微慢点,这些都是电源功率的参数,可以根据实际需要选择,电池在800-1000mA一下,建议使用5V 1A充电,电池在1000mA以上,可以使用5V 2.1A充电,不过充电功率过大会影响电池使用寿命,建议根据实际需要,如果不着急使用手机,就慢慢充电,另现在一般电池都在4000mA左右,使用5V 2.1A充电也没问题,不过需要考虑一下部分充电宝无法做到电压和电流恒定, 这势必对手机电池寿命造成影响,建议使用品牌充电宝。 5 …
如图甲所示电路,电源电压保持不变,标有“5V2.5W”的小灯泡L两端的电压和通过它的电流关系如图乙所示,定值电阻 R_1…
(1)灯泡正常发光时的电压为2.5v,功率为1.25w,因串联电路总电压等于各分电压之和,所以,灯泡正常发光时电压表的示数u滑=u﹣ul=4v﹣2.5v=1.5v,因1.5v所以,电压表的最小示数为1.5v,则电压表的示数变化范围为1.5v~3v,故①正确;此时灯泡正常发光,即小灯泡的最大实际功率为1 ...
5V2.1A和5V1A有多大区别 - 百度知道
1、5v2.1a是快冲,5v1a是普通充电。 2、5V2.1A的意思就是最高能提供5V,2.1A的电流,而后一个只能提供最高1A的电流,在负载电流小于1A的时候,两个都是可以通过的,除了1A的比较热之外,没太大的区别。
(a) Prove the identity (u·v) = 1/4 (||u + v||^2 - ||u - v||^2), (3.11 ...
(a) Prove the identity (u·v) = 1/4(||u + v||^2 - ||u - v||^2), (3.11), which allows one to reconstruct an inner product from its norm. (b) Use (3.11) to find the inner product on R^2 corresponding to the norm ||v|| = √(u1^2 - 3v1v2 + 5v2^2). Show more…
利刃5V2 | 有何改变?对比聊聊! - 哔哩哔哩
2025年3月19日 · 利刃5v2和v1到底有何不同?这个视频来对比说说! 如果说利刃5如机械般精密,那v2就用更强大的工艺展示了整合与精简。
5v2s : r/Risk - Reddit
2024年1月4日 · I understand 5v2 is not 100% & technically a risky attack. HOWEVER it is NOT "93%" as it's intended. In the last 3 days I've lost ALL SEVEN attempts with the exact same -4 -1 result.
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