Transistor–transistor logic - Wikipedia
Transistor–transistor logic (TTL) is a logic family built from bipolar junction transistors. Its name signifies that transistors perform both the logic function (the first "transistor") and the amplifying function (the second "transistor"), as opposed to earlier resistor–transistor logic (RTL) and diode–transistor logic (DTL).
晶体管-晶体管逻辑 - 百度百科
晶体管-晶体管逻辑(英语:Transistor-Transistor Logic,缩写为TTL),是市面上较为常见且应用广泛的一种 逻辑门 数字 集成电路,由 电阻器 和 晶体管 而组成。 TTL最早是由 德州仪器 所开发出来的,现虽有多家厂商制作,但编号命名还是以德州仪器所公布的资料为主。 其中最常见的为74系列。 与TTL分庭抗礼的是 CMOS,旧时两者相比较TTL主要是速度快,CMOS则是速度慢,但省电、成本比TTL低。 随着CMOS技术的进步,其反应速度已经超越TTL。 而且CMOS内部不 …
What is Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) & Its Working - ElProCus
The transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) devices have replaced diode transistor logic (DTL) as they work quicker & are cheaper to function. The NAND IC with Quad 2-input uses a 7400 TTL device to design a wide range of circuits which is used as an inverter. The circuit diagram above uses NAND gates within the IC.
详解TTL电路和CMOS电路 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
TTL电路以双极型 晶体管 (三极管)为开关元件,所以又称 双极型集成电路。 双极型数字集成电路是利用电子和空穴两种不同极性的载流子进行电传导的器件。 它具有速度高(开关速度快)、驱动能力强等优点,但其功耗较大,集成度相对较低。 根据应用领域的不同,它分为54系列和74系列,前者为军品,一般工业设备和消费类电子产品多用后者。 74系列数字集成电路是国际上通用的标准电路。 其品种分为六大类:74(标准)、74S(肖特基)、74LS××(低功耗肖特基) …
掌握TTL邏輯:深入研究NAND和大門 - IC Components
使用TTL NAND門,該系統可確保只有在所有傳感器檢測出一個問題(高輸入)時,警報才會被沉默(低輸出),並提供可靠的安全機制。 可以從其真實表和邏輯符號中收集到對TTL NAND門的清晰理解。 2輸入TTL NAND門的真實表(見圖2)表明,對於所有輸入組合,除了兩個輸入均高(1)外,輸出均為高(1)。 圖2. NAND大門真相表. NAND門的邏輯符號是一個小圓或反轉氣泡的邏輯符號,其輸出表示非操作。 該符號在視覺上強調了門倒置和門的輸出的功能,因此將 …
TTL介绍_transistor to transistor logic-CSDN博客
2024年4月10日 · Transistor-to-transistor logic -- also known as simply transistor-transistor logic or TTL -- is a family of digital logic design built from a family of bipolar junction transistors that act on direct-current pulses. Many TTL logic gates are fabricated onto a single integrated circuit (IC).
TTL电路 - 百度百科
TTL电路是晶体管-晶体管逻辑电路的英文缩写(Transistor-Transistor-Logic ),TTL电路是数字集成电路的一大门类。 它采用双极型工艺制造,具有高速度高功耗(相对于CMOS)和品种多等特点。
transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) - TechTarget
Transistor-to-transistor logic -- also known as simply transistor-transistor logic or TTL -- is a family of digital logic design built from a family of bipolar junction transistors that act on direct-current pulses. Many TTL logic gates are fabricated onto a single integrated circuit (IC).
GitHub - DanNelson/Arduino-TTL-IC-Tester: A TTTL logic gate …
An Arduino Uno with a LCD display and two buttons is used to navigate the menus and display the test results. I used shift registers to hook up the LCD due to running out of pins on the Arduino. A TTTL logic gate tester implemented on an Arduino with a LCD.
Mastering TTL Logic: A Guide to Digital Circuit Design - IC …
Transistor-Transistor Logic, or TTL for short, is a foundational technique for designing digital circuits that build logic gates out of bipolar transistors. This technology is widely used in electronic applications, especially digital circuits, due to its speed and reliability.