What emotions do :3 and :S convey? [closed] - English Language …
:S in my experience is supposed to be like Charlie Brown's face when the mouth is just a squiggly line. It can mean confusion, embarrassment, or being at a loss for words, or some combination …
idioms - What's the meaning of rub it in your face? - English …
@Kris Hmm, sorry, I don't know of any dictionary of idioms. But if you do a Google search on "rub it in your/his/my face", you'll find plenty of examples of this usage. (You also find a bunch …
Usage and origin of "clock position" expressions.
2016年10月7日 · 12 o'clock means ahead, 3 o'clock means to the right, 6 o'clock means behind, and 9 o'clock means to the left. The other eight hours refer to directions that are not directly in …
Origin of "egg on my face" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年5月3日 · To have egg on (one's) face "be made to look foolish" is first recorded 1964. But another website claims an 1941 source and includes two guesses at the phrase's origin with …
Origin and connotations of RBF (Resting Bitch Face)
2013年5月22日 · When did RBF, Rest Bitch Face, or any of its variants first appear? Research: 1. Resting bitch face (Wikipedia) 2. A Wordnado of Words in 2013 The New York Times 3. …
Faced with vs faced by - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2023年6月17日 · The verb face is used in many different senses, with varied types of argument (subject, object) and (arguably including) oblique objects. 'Face' can mean [all blockquotes …
Origin of the expression "his/her face is a map of the world"
2012年10月3日 · One man leans, with a face like a map of the world he has sailed round, beneath a huge granite gateway - and he is not all before you! No; - one eye parted company at the …
What do you call the facial expression or the state just before ...
2016年1月19日 · One often sees something like "the child's face fell," even though it's the body language that falls (shoulders sagging, head bowing, spine curving) more than face parts. …
grammatical number - Is 'hair' singular or plural? - English …
2023年4月3日 · So, if wish to refer to a particular number of Hair, we should say 3 or 4 strands of hair. Consider the sentences : "The other was Della's hair". (not 'hairs') My hair is turning grey. …
What is the origin of the expression 'A Mexican standoff'?
2017年6月26日 · Convinced that to concede the right-of-way to the other would mean a loss of face and status, the owner of each carriage refused to give way for days, sending servants for …