What emotions do :3 and :S convey? [closed] - English Language …
:S in my experience is supposed to be like Charlie Brown's face when the mouth is just a squiggly line. It can mean confusion, embarrassment, or being at a loss for words, or some combination of them.
idioms - What's the meaning of rub it in your face? - English …
@Kris Hmm, sorry, I don't know of any dictionary of idioms. But if you do a Google search on "rub it in your/his/my face", you'll find plenty of examples of this usage. (You also find a bunch where the phrase is used literally, like rubbing some kind of cream or make-up on your face. Obviously that's a totally different meaning.) –
Usage and origin of "clock position" expressions.
2016年10月7日 · 12 o'clock means ahead, 3 o'clock means to the right, 6 o'clock means behind, and 9 o'clock means to the left. The other eight hours refer to directions that are not directly in line with the four major directions. From which the use of expression like: "Watch your six" meaning "beware what's behind your back." According to wikepedia:
Origin of "egg on my face" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年5月3日 · To have egg on (one's) face "be made to look foolish" is first recorded 1964. But another website claims an 1941 source and includes two guesses at the phrase's origin with the second being more likely:
Origin and connotations of RBF (Resting Bitch Face)
2013年5月22日 · When did RBF, Rest Bitch Face, or any of its variants first appear? Research: 1. Resting bitch face (Wikipedia) 2. A Wordnado of Words in 2013 The New York Times 3. Resting bitch face' is real, scientists say CNN (February 4, 2016) 4. Non-derogatory word/phrase analog of "bi**** resting face" but for a young kid (EL&U) 5.
Faced with vs faced by - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2023年6月17日 · The verb face is used in many different senses, with varied types of argument (subject, object) and (arguably including) oblique objects. 'Face' can mean [all blockquotes Merriam-Webster unless otherwise attributed] (2b) [transitive verb]: cover the front or surface of; where it often, perhaps usually, takes a with-phrase showing what is used
Origin of the expression "his/her face is a map of the world"
2012年10月3日 · One man leans, with a face like a map of the world he has sailed round, beneath a huge granite gateway - and he is not all before you! No; - one eye parted company at the Nile, at the night hour when the Orient exploded in the eyes of the shore-bordering Egyptians,- a leg had previously been tossed to a shark that hungered in the troubled and ...
What do you call the facial expression or the state just before ...
2016年1月19日 · One often sees something like "the child's face fell," even though it's the body language that falls (shoulders sagging, head bowing, spine curving) more than face parts. Also, faces "crumple", certainly that baby's face is crumpled. Also, someone please add a HAPPY baby: faces that sad hurt the feelings of even casual viewers!
grammatical number - Is 'hair' singular or plural? - English …
2023年4月3日 · So, if wish to refer to a particular number of Hair, we should say 3 or 4 strands of hair. Consider the sentences : "The other was Della's hair". (not 'hairs') My hair is turning grey. (not 'hairs are') My hair is black and his hair is brown. (not 'hairs are') He caught my wisp or lock of hair. (not 'hairs') He plucked 10 strands of grey hair ...
What is the origin of the expression 'A Mexican standoff'?
2017年6月26日 · Convinced that to concede the right-of-way to the other would mean a loss of face and status, the owner of each carriage refused to give way for days, sending servants for food, drink and bedpans; after a long period of time the situation became ludicrous and both carriage owners made such fools of themselves, that both had lost status and face.