0 BBY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
0 BBY (before Battle of Yavin),[6] also known as 0,[7] was a period of time that, together with 0 ABY,[6] made up a single year.[8] That year was also known as 3277 LY according to the Lothal Calendar[4] and year 7977 in the C.R.C. calendar.[3]
0 BBY | 星球大戰百科全書 | Fandom
卢克·天行者、欧比-旺·克诺比、汉·索罗与丘巴卡潜入死星,成功营救出莱娅公主。 卢克·天行者在雅汶战役中彻底摧毁死星。
0 BBY - Legacy Wiki | Fandom
0 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) was a period of time that, combined with 0 ABY (After Battle of Yavin), made up a single year. This year was also known as 3277 LY according to the Lothal Calendar and year 7977 in the C.R.C. calendar.
When was 0 BBY first used in Star Wars? : r/MawInstallation - Reddit
Jun 3, 2022 · When was 0 BBY first used in Star Wars In Legends, the calender was adopted in the year 25 ABY by the New Republic. For the people engaged in the battle of Yavin, their calender wouldn't read Year 0 but rather Year 1,000 After Ruusan Reformation or Year 19 AFE (After Formation of the Empire).
0 BBY - Star Wars Fanon
The following events happened in 0 BBY or 0 ABY. This year was known as Year 35 after the Great ReSynchronization. On some Earths, the year was 1977. On other Earths it was the year 2000 but on most Earths, this year was in the very distant past. The year was referred to in the Zarkan Kingdom as...
星球大战中的纪年法 - 哔哩哔哩
特别需要注意的是,雅汶战役本身发生在纪元0年,即0 ABY或0 BBY。 银河标准历与公元纪年法的区别. 公元纪年法在耶稣诞生之后的日期,称为主的年份Anno Domini(A.D.)(拉丁)。 而在耶稣诞生之前,称为主前Before Christ(B.C.)。 但是现代学者为了淡化其宗教色彩以及避免非基督徒的反感而多半改称用“公元”(Common era,缩写为C.E.)与“公元前”(Before the Common Era,缩写为 B.C.E.)的说法。 和银河标准历一样,以一件事的发生时间作为纪年法的基础。 …
欧比-旺·克诺比 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
欧比旺·克诺比 (Obi-wan Kenobi)是科幻电影系列 《星球大战》 的登场角色。 欧比旺·克诺比(57 BBY-0 BBY)是一名人类绝地大师,是奎刚·金的弟子与安纳金·天行者的师父。 他见证了绝地武士团的兴衰,也为推翻帝国做出了贡献。 所用交通工具为绝地星际战斗机,所用宇航机器人为R4-P17。 欧比旺与师父奎刚作为共和国的特使前去与封锁了纳布星球以试图获取更多特权的贸易联盟谈判。 但是贸易联盟受西斯尊主达斯·西迪厄斯指使企图杀死二人。 欧比旺与奎刚且战且 …
0 BBY | Movie Database Wiki | Fandom
0 BBY/ABY is the dating standard used when attempting to place events in the Star Wars universe in correct chronological order. It refers to events and their chronological relation to the event known as the Battle of Yavin .
0 BBY - The Clone Wars
0 BBY was a year in galactic history. The Galactic Civil War begins. Emperor Sheev Palpatine dissolves the Imperial Senate and establishes a royal dictatorship. The Death Star destroys the planet...
Questions About 0 BBY vs. 0 ABY : r/starwarscanon - Reddit
Jan 10, 2021 · 0 BBY is the month preceding ANH, 0 ABY is the months after. And yes, both are used by Galactic Atlas for example. 1 "ABY" means "one year after the Battle of Yavin." 0 "ABY" is after the Battle of Yavin by less than a year. Same thing in the other direction. The rollover from 0 to 1 is one year from Yavin in either direction.